Feast of Menino Jesus, at Colva, draws huge crowds

Venita Gomes

The village of Colva, in South Goa, recently celebrated the feast of Infant Jesus (Menino Jesus) at the Church of Our Lady of Merces, Colva.

Colva|Feast| Fama | All Pictures Courtesy: Clive Figueredo

The interesting aspect of this feast is that the fama, which is the first day of the novena, is more famous than the feast.

Fama|Menino Jesus|Colva

On the day of the fama, villagers prepare a lavish meal, and invite relatives and friends to enjoy the festive meal with them. Devotees stand in long queues to venerate the famed Infant Jesus (of Colva).

Fama|Menino Jesus|Colva|Pottery

People make various petitions and seek the blessing of Infant Jesus.

Fama|Menino Jesus|Colva

On the feast day, a customary procession of Menino Jesus is held.

Fama|Menino Jesus|Colva|Feast

A large fair is put up near the church, and a variety of items are on sale, including clothes, decorative items and religious objects.

Fama|Menino Jesus|Colva

Colvakars celebrate this feast with great pomp and gaiety.

Fama|Menino Jesus|Colva|Feast