Old beauties enthrall vintage and classic car enthusiasts

Rohan Fernandes

Directorate of Transport and Goa Vintage and Classic Vehicle Club held their Goa Liberation Day Drive to showcase some of the old beauties.

Goa | Vintage car rally | Bygone era | Heritage | All pics: Rohan Fernandes

Over 50 cars were displayed on the Chicalim Panchayat Ground on Monday morning.

Goa | Vintage car rally | Bygone era | Heritage

A yellow-coloured Volkswagen Beetle was the cynosure of all eyes.

Goa | Vintage car rally | Bygone era | Heritage

A fleet of Mercedes-Benz cars also turned heads.

Goa | Vintage car rally | Bygone era | Heritage

The unforgettable Contessa car from Hindustan Motors.

Goa | Vintage car rally | Bygone era | Heritage

Some of the Fiat cars on display.

Goa | Vintage car rally | Bygone era | Heritage

Vintage beauty, a Chevrolet.

Goa | Vintage car rally | Bygone era | Heritage

After the vintage drive was flagged off from Chicalim, the old beauties proceeded to the Baina flyover for another session of display.

Goa | Vintage car rally | Bygone era | Heritage