Stay cosy and well-fed this Goan monsoon

Roxanne D'silva


Stocking up on these Goan essentials before the onset of monsoon is the best way to ensure you have a delicious and comforting culinary experience throughout the rainy season.

Monsoon ready| Goan items| Stock up | Pre monsoon


During the monsoon, when the weather is wet and humid, locally grown rice varieties like Korgut are preferred for their ability to withstand moisture and maintain quality.

Monsoon ready| Goan items| Stock up | Pre monsoon | Photo: Roxanne D'silva


Dried fish is a versatile ingredient that adds depth of flavour to Goan dishes, making it a popular choice among locals. So before the rains, Goans stock up on these to ensure they have a steady supply during the lean season.

Monsoon ready| Goan items| Stock up | Pre monsoon | Photo: Roxanne D'silva


Save up on dried kokum or kokum concentrate to make refreshing drinks or incorporate it into delicious Goan curries and soups during the monsoon.

Monsoon ready| Goan items| Stock up | Pre monsoon | Photo: Roxanne D'silva


Chillies are a staple in Goan dishes to add flavour and heat to the cooking during the cold monsoon. Chillies are generally stocked up by drying, ground or made into paste.

Monsoon ready| Goan items| Stock up | Pre monsoon | Photo: Roxanne D'silva


Heavy rains can disrupt transportation and affect the overall supply of onions. So, it is wise to stock up on this important ingredient of the Goan pantry beforehand.

Monsoon ready| Goan items| Stock up | Pre monsoon | Photo: Roxanne D'silva


Stocking up on tamarind before the monsoon season in Goa ensures that you have a versatile and essential ingredient on hand to enhance the flavor of your favourite Goan dishes.

Monsoon ready| Goan items| Stock up | Pre monsoon | Photo: Roxanne D'silva

NEXT: Kerala, Goa offer delightful exploration of coastal Indian cuisine