Treasures that travel with Goans far from home

Abigail Crasto


While moving away from home involves some difficult goodbyes, Goans comfort themselves with food and things that act as reminders of their Goemkarponn.

Goa| Travel| Migrating| Goodbyes|


A tradition in Goa is to bid farewell, to those migrating, by gifting items that aren't easily accessible in foreign lands. And, here are a few of them...

Goa| Abroad| Farewell| Gifting | travel


One of the most cherished items that Goans carry to far corners of the world are these spicy, aromatic, pork sausages that are relished as a snack or in preparations like Chouriço Pulao or Chouriço Fry.

Goa| Goan treasures| Far from home| sausages | Photo: Rohan Fernandes


Nothing beats the quality and flavour of home-cooked food, so it is only fair to pack extra jars of Goan pickles and masalas that are high on spice and the ingredient of love.

Goa| Food| Spicy| Things Goans can't live without|pickle | Photo: Venita Gomes


Another mouthwatering delicacy that accompanies Goans on their journeys is para, dry fish that is pickled for days in vinegar, spices, fried and relished when homesick with simple rice and curry.

Goa| Food| Fish| Pickled| Packed


Goans can hardly distance themselves from this traditional alcoholic drink that has origins in Goa. No wonder extra rounds of tape go on these bottles to ensure nothing spills while travelling!

Goa| Drinks| Cashew| Flavours| feni


Growing up in Goan villages, surrounded by mango trees, packing the 'Mancurad' variety of mangoes not just ticks the box of seasonal delights, but also the nostalgia of younger mischievous days in Goa.

Goa| Seasonal delights| Fresh| Feels like home|market | Photo: Rohan Fernandes

NEXT: Goa's first green festival calls for sustainable eco-tourism