Swasthyam: Restoring serenity and salubrity to human existence

Swasthyam offers scientifically-focused yoga, pranayama, spirituality and fitness to rejuvenate the mind and body
Meditation calms the mind
Meditation calms the mindGomantak Times

In our modern hustle and bustle of life, an exhausted mind and body are very common. This exhaustion leads to an increase in stress, causing our mental health to deteriorate and often resulting in depression. So how do we combat stress? 

Meditation, pranayama and yoga can provide an effective solution to manage stress better, keep the body healthy and restore mental stability. Scientific and medical guidance also play an important role in maintaining the physical and mental health of people.

Recognising this need of the citizens, the “We Are in This Together” campaign by Sakal Media Group brings to you a three-day programme for complete health and mental wellness. The campaign is being organised in four places in Pune from December 9th to 11th.

Experts from various fields will come together to share guidance and insights on various topics related to health and wellness through the Swasthyam initiative.

Meditation calms the mind
Striking a balance of body, mind and soul with yoga

What is Swasthyam for?

 Scientific information about meditation: 

Often physical diseases might be a manifestation of a restless mind. Stress, tension, overthinking, fear and worry cause fatigue in our minds and bodies.

But to control all of this, we need a stable and balanced mind which can be achieved through regular meditation. 

Pranayama for healthy body, senses and mind:

The lack of prana in various parts of the body causes diseases. Pranayama balances the prana energy and destroys disease-causing germs. Practising pranayama regularly helps to keep the body, senses and mind healthy.

It is also an excellent way to learn breathing techniques and how to control your breath.

Yoga brings about the alignment of the mental, physical and the spiritual.
Yoga brings about the alignment of the mental, physical and the spiritual.Gomantak Times

Yoga for good, healthy and fit mind and body:

Yoga is an age-old secret possessed by ancient people. Yoga comes from the word “Yog”, which means coming together or aligning. We know that good health is the balance of four things – mental, physical, intellectual and spiritual well-being.

However, Yoga includes the coming together of three things – mental, physical and spiritual. With the alignment of these three essential things, the right balance of human life is maintained.

Correlation between spirituality and good health:

Through spirituality, a person learns to look at oneself inwardly, leading the person to introspect. This introspection creates a positive impact on mental and physical well-being.

Spirituality also helps people realise the meaning and essence of life, develop moral values and adopt good habits. 

Healthy food is key to a healthy body.
Healthy food is key to a healthy body.Gomantak Times

Healthy diet and health:

In our hectic lives, paying attention to your body’s health along with a balanced diet is necessary.

To ensure good health, the body needs nutritious and sattvic (nutritious) food. If the body does not get enough nutrition, it begins to show the ill effects of not eating healthy food.

Relationship of singing, art and music with health: 

Music calms our nerves and makes our minds feel at peace. Music, art and singing have a deep connection to the mind and body, and we often see the results of it in therapy tied with these art forms. 

Art therapy to reframe the mind.
Art therapy to reframe the mind.Gomantak Times

Here's a list of experts guiding the Swasthayam session for the 3 days:

Dr Hansaji Yogendra: “Healthy Diet for Yoga and Yoga to Spirituality”

Renowned poet and lecturer Kumar Vishwas: “Learnings from Mahabharata & Ramayana to enrich our day to day life”

Spiritual guru Sant Shri Gaurang Das: “The Art of Happy Living”

Yoga guru Sri M: “Yoga, the path to infinite potential”

Nupuur Patil: “Healthy, organic food and health”

Priyanka Patel: “Immersive Sounds – Sound Healing Workshop”

(Top L-R) Sarvesh Shashi, Shilpa Shetty, Kumar Vishwas, Cheetah Shetty. (Bottom L-R)  Genelia Deshmukh and Riteish Deshmukh, Rouhani Sisters and Dr Hansaji Yogendra.
(Top L-R) Sarvesh Shashi, Shilpa Shetty, Kumar Vishwas, Cheetah Shetty. (Bottom L-R) Genelia Deshmukh and Riteish Deshmukh, Rouhani Sisters and Dr Hansaji Yogendra.

Actress Shilpa Shetty: “Keep It Simple -Yoga and Fitness”

Sarvesh Shashi: “Yoga, fitness and beyond”

Action director Cheetah Shetty: “Physical fitness and health through martial arts”

Sufi singers Rouhani Sisters and classical musician Ustad Rashid Khan: “Music and singing for mental health”

Dr Rajendra Barve: “Today's new normal state and mind”

Actor Riteish Deshmukh and actress Genelia Deshmukh: “Laughter is the best medicine”

Meditation calms the mind
Stay fit this winter with Ayurveda

Get involved in the Swasthayam programme

Swasthayam, the programme dedicated to creating a positive impact on the minds and bodies of people, is open to all ages. Join the innovative activity of Swastami to improve your mental and physical health. 

Are you an organisation looking to participate? We are looking for people working in the fields of Yoga, pranayama, spirituality, fitness, etc to participate in the programme. 

For more information, scan the QR code or register on the website link below.

For individual participation, please provide the name, age group, address, job/profession and contact number of the person.

Meditation calms the mind
Unhealthy lifestyle root cause of heart disease

For participation of organisations and groups, voluntary as well as commercial organisations, please provide the name of the group, work and project information, address and contact number.

Website: https://globalswasthyam.com

Visit the website and social media pages below for event information and updates!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/globalswasthyam

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/globalswasthyam/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GlobalSwasthyam

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-swasthy

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