Rediscover your inner child with the Festival of Childhood

Are you tired of your humdrum life as an adult? Let children teach you how to be a child again
This is most assuredly a children's event for grown-ups.
This is most assuredly a children's event for grown-ups.Gomantak Times

The Festival of Childhood is being organised by educational consultants Satish and Sheetal DeSa of WagTales - The Sanctuary of Childhood to engage children as well as adults, helping grown-ups reconnect with their childhood. The festival will be held on 23rd October from 11 am to 7 pm.  

This is most assuredly a children's event for grown-ups where adults can jump, growl, play and dance like no one is watching, with child-like abandon and glee. The children will be their gurus and guides. 

Besides outdoor games like sankli and seven tiles from our good old days, and board games, there is also the Adult Kindergarten – a 45-minute session (scheduled at 2 pm on the 23rd at the festival) that will take us back in time to when we were more childlike. Or if someone has had to grow up too quickly, here's a chance to know what they missed. Open up the imagination and rediscover innocence that perhaps conditioning and education have locked away.

Adults will be able to play games from their childhood.
Adults will be able to play games from their childhood.Gomantak Times

Other exciting things happening at the Festival of Childhood are music and sports counselling for children as a way to share career options in music and sports. 

There will be food, music and a bar. Also available will be a nursing room and a diaper changing station for parents with very young children. 

For the complete itinerary, have a glance at the Instagram page @wag.tales and website

Where: Aldona Institute, North Goa

When: 23rd October from 11 am to 7 pm

Fee: Entry is free

Contact:  +919820250619 and Instagram page @wag.tales

This is most assuredly a children's event for grown-ups.
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