Camurlim panchayat shining example of sustainability in Goa

First panchayat in Goa to utilise and sell electricity, harnessing solar energy
The panchayat sells the excess electricity to the Goa government. (Picture for representational purpose only)
The panchayat sells the excess electricity to the Goa government. (Picture for representational purpose only)Gomantak Times

Camurlim panchayat has set up a project that generates electricity using solar energy. Not only does the panchayat supply electricity to the village, it also sells excess electricity produced through this project to the Goa government, earning Rs 5 lakhs annually and setting a good example to others.

The solar energy project was opposed by many in the village, but Sarpanch Basilio Fernandes went ahead with the project and successfully completed it, making Carmurlim panchayat the first in Goa to be supplying its own electricity.

The panchayat sells the excess electricity to the Goa government. (Picture for representational purpose only)
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Ex-parliament member Narendra Sawaikar was instrumental in the panchayat getting this project jumpstarted. “Other panchayats too should adopt such sustainable projects,” he said.

“This is the best example of the sustainable use of natural resources. Earlier people did oppose me, however, other panch members supported the cause, and hence this project was a success,” said Sarpanch Basilio Fernandes.

The panchayat sells the excess electricity to the Goa government. (Picture for representational purpose only)
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Annually, we save nearly 1.5 lakh rupees on electricity bills. A few years back I installed solar energy-generating solar panels at my own house. So, the idea of installing similar solar panels under the project was thought to be feasible,” he added further.

Overview of the success story so far:

  • In the last two years, the panchayat has saved revenue on electricity bills. The panchayat earned extra revenue by selling extra power to the government power grid.

  • The solar energy project generates around 20 KV of electricity. The requirement for the panchayat building is only 5 KV. The remaining 15 kV of electricity is sold to the government.

  • Camurlim Panchayat also supplies electricity to the public sports ground. Hence the youth of the village are also happy.

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