GOACAN continues consumer literacy campaign

GOACAN launches its Consumer Rights & Responsibilities Awareness Fortnight with the theme "Consume with Care"
The theme of GOACAN's Consumer Rights & Responsibilities Awareness Fortnight is "Consume with Care".
The theme of GOACAN's Consumer Rights & Responsibilities Awareness Fortnight is "Consume with Care".Gomantak Times

Today, GOACAN launched its Consumer Rights and Responsibilities Awareness Fortnight as part of its ongoing consumer literacy campaign with the theme "Consume with Care".

The awareness drive, which seeks to remind consumers to assert their rights and assume their responsibilities when they purchase goods and services, will end on December 24, National Consumer Rights Day.

The theme of GOACAN's Consumer Rights & Responsibilities Awareness Fortnight is "Consume with Care".
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The activities during the fortnight will cover the rights of the consumers under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019; the Standards of Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules; the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006; and the BIS Act, 2016.

GOACAN will have a significant activity during the fortnight called Spot the Deficiency, Identify the Official, Pursue the Remedy, which will have the participation of volunteers from village-based Consumer Forums and campus-based Consumer Welfare Clubs.

The theme of GOACAN's Consumer Rights & Responsibilities Awareness Fortnight is "Consume with Care".
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GOACAN will give express attention to the consumer's right to seek redressal with regards to fair price shops, post offices, banks, mobile and landline telephones, cable TV, LPG cylinders, electricity, bus transport, goods and services tax, and service at public toilets, among other issues.

A focus will also be on spreading awareness among consumers on the various helplines available to report complaints and the redressal agencies present to file complaints, like the Consumer Conciliation Committee, District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission and State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.

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