Goa's tourism industry is slowly recovering

Domestic tourists coming to Goa have increased while the number of foreign tourists remains low; Still the season is satisfactory
Goa's tourism industry is slowly recovering
Goa's tourism industry is slowly recovering

The mining and tourism industry is considered the backbone of the state's economy. The mining industry has been completely shut down for the last six-seven years. As a result, the tourism industry is the savior at present. The Corona epidemic wasted two tourist seasons. The tourism industry, which has been going on for the last six months, was fully opened months ago. This year's season seems to be in full swing due to domestic tourists. The devastation of the Corona in Britain and the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia have led to an influx of foreign tourists. However, due to increasing number of domestic tourists, wedding ceremonies and international events, this year's tourism season has been satisfactory, said Nilesh Shah, President, Goa Travel and Tourism Association and Gaurish Dhond, a hotelier.

Although a large number of domestic tourists are seen on the shores of Kalangut, Baga, Morji, Harmal in North Goa, the number of foreign tourists seems to be declining. Among the foreign tourists arriving in the state, British and Russian tourists pay more. The ongoing outbreak of the Corona epidemic and the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia have had an impact on tourism. The number of foreign tourists on the shores of Kolwa, Majorda, Agond and other parts of South Goa including North Goa has decreased.

At present, the number of tourists coming to the state is mainly from Gujarat, Mumbai, Punjab, Hyderabad and Karnataka. It is lamented that the summer vacations to schools have not helped the ancillary industries, which are dependent on the tourism industry, even though some beaches are crowded at present. Currently, the number of middle and upper middle class tourists in the state is high. This awaits tourists who have the potential to spend more on the tourism industry. Some upper middle class and wealthy people from some states of the country come only for casino tourism, these tourists are benefiting the big hotels and to some extent the taxi business. But tourism is not fully on track.

Large crowds on cruise boats

The business of cruise boats along the Mandvi river at the entrance of Panaji is slowly coming to a standstill, said the cruise manager here. Schools in other states are closed. Due to this, people coming from Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat and other states are flocking on cruise boats.

Business satisfactory this year: Nilesh Shah

British and Russian tourists have not visited the state this year due to the ocron wave of the Corona epidemic and the Ukraine-Russia war. But due to domestic tourists, the season is going satisfactorily, said Nilesh Shah, President, Goa Travel and Tourism Association. It is seen that Goa is preferred by the domestic tourists going abroad. Also, Goa was chosen for the wedding ceremony. Along with corporate meetings, other ceremonies took place on a large scale. Hotels, taxi drivers and small traders along the coast did not benefit much. But considering the overall state, this year's season has gone well, Shah said.

Good condition due to domestic tourists: Gaurish Dhond

Tourism in the state is booming due to domestic tourists. The state attracts foreign tourists, but as most of them come from underdeveloped countries, they do not spend much, said hotelier Gaurish Dhond. Apart from coastal hotels and taxi drivers, other businesses or industries do not benefit much from foreign tourists. On the contrary, domestic tourists benefit many factors such as small hoteliers, cashew sellers, fish sellers. Besides, domestic tourists come to the state every twelve months. We want tourists coming to the state for twelve months. "We want tourists who will benefit every element that depends on tourism, not tourists who benefit from a particular factor," he said.

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