Margao police get tough on modified bikes

More than 45 cases booked for modified bikes and silencers
Margao traffic cell booked several cases against traffic violators on Tuesday.
Margao traffic cell booked several cases against traffic violators on Tuesday.Photo: Dhiraj Harmalkar

Riding a bike in style has become a matter of pride for most youth. The costlier and more modified the bike one has, the better one’s status. The increasing number of bikes being modified and loud silencers have caught the attention of the cops from South Goa.

Margao traffic police are leaving no stone unturned to book bikers for these rampant violations.

Margao traffic cell booked several cases against traffic violators on Tuesday.
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The Margao traffic cell has begun to take stringent action against the riders of modified bikes, and over 40 modified bullet bikes have been seized within the span of two days.

Thus sending a clear message that riding modified bikes and creating noise pollution with modified silencers will not be tolerated by the police.

Bikes with modified silencers tend to create noise pollution.
Bikes with modified silencers tend to create noise pollution.Photo: Dhiraj Harmalkar

When this Gomantak Times reporter contacted Margao Traffic Police Inspector Gautam Salunke, he informed us that the Margao traffic cell has received several complaints from senior citizens against modified bikes and loud silencers.

Senior citizens and several locals have complained that these bikes speed everywhere. The noise pollution caused by the modified silencers is adversely affecting the mental health of people.

Margao traffic cell booked several cases against traffic violators on Tuesday.
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Many senior citizens are disturbed by the unbearable sound of the bike, said Police Inspector Gautam Salunke.

When asked about the actions taken to curb this issue, PI Salunke said that so far they have booked around 45 cases against the owners of modified bikes and over 40 modified bikes, including bullet bikes, have been seized by the police. “These cases will be produced before the court to be prosecuted,” he added.

Margao traffic cell booked several cases against traffic violators on Tuesday.
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Champak, a senior citizen from Margao said that whenever he goes out for a walk near Ravindra Bhavan, Margao, in the evening he sees youth riding modified bikes recklessly. These riders do not care about the people walking by the roadside.

Cruz, another senior citizen, said that the negligent attitude of the traffic police encourages these youth to break traffic rules and modify their bikes. Strict action like a heavy penalty, cancellation of driving the license, etc should be carried out to deter these violators, he added.

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