Vagator local assaulted for protesting against noise pollution

Vagator residents again descend on Anjuna Police Station to complain of noise pollution, receive no respite as music could be heard till 6 am on Dec 30
The crowd after Sunburn shut shop at 10 pm.
The crowd after Sunburn shut shop at 10 pm. Photo: Augusto Rodrigues

Vagator local lad Ashley Fernandes, part of a group that went to Anjuna police station to protest the loud music being played, after Sunburn stopped their music at 10 pm, was assaulted by alleged goons of a night club and a police complaint was filed at Anjuna Police station early Saturday morning.

“I kindly request you to please help for the safety of my life and register an immediate FIR against Mr Austin,” reads the complaint submitted by Ashley.

Ashley Fernandes in dark blue t-shirt assaulted by goons of a night club after he complained with other locals of loud music being played in Vagator after midnight.
Ashley Fernandes in dark blue t-shirt assaulted by goons of a night club after he complained with other locals of loud music being played in Vagator after midnight. Photo: Augusto Rodrigues

Earlier, ten exasperated locals, Ashley being one of them, filed a complaint at Anjuna Police Station against music being played after 10 pm – the second time in 12 days.

If at the first instance, the locals protested with candle lights, the din at the end of the second day of Sunburn obliterated such attempts with the protestors submerged in the chaos after the show.

Police personnel at Anjuna Police Station were swarmed with complaints of mobile thefts during the show, with over 1420 cases registered at around 11 pm and counting.

Sunburn revelers lodging complaints of stolen mobile phones.
Sunburn revelers lodging complaints of stolen mobile phones. Photo: Augusto Rodrigues

The letter submitted to Anjuna police station at 00.50 hours on 30-12-2023 read: “We are very upset that in spite of being present at the police station and bringing it to the PS notice they are unable to stop the ongoing music at Banana Forest.”

“We have waited for more than an hour for the PI and have not got any result, neither met him. Kindly note we going to stop the loud music at the venues and you will be held responsible for any action,” concluded the letter signed by nine locals residing in the vicinity where loud music could be heard till 6 am of December 30.

The crowd after Sunburn shut shop at 10 pm.
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“The manner in which loud music is allowed to be played, it appears that the police think the noise pollution rules are only meant for Sunburn and not others. Loud music is being played everywhere and despite registering a complaint there is no effect,” complained Desmond Alvares, one of the signatories.

“This is the second time I have come to complain and on both occasions we have been literally been mocked by the police. They just do not seem to care or are well looked after by the violators of the law,” lamented Sophia D’Souza.

Traffic jam in Vagator well past midnight as tourists searched for clubs playing music till early morning.
Traffic jam in Vagator well past midnight as tourists searched for clubs playing music till early morning. Photo: Augusto Rodrigues

On Friday night, despite arrangements by Goa Traffic police, most roads were blocked mainly because drivers of rent-a-car vehicles preferred to break rules. All arterial roads of Vagator were choc-a-bloc with four-wheelers and two-wheelers right up to almost 1am on December 30 with traffic police trying to sort out the mess.

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