Parks in Goa essential to children’s right to play

Goa State Commission for Protection of Child Rights is actively pursuing the development of parks in Goa for the benefit of the state’s children
Well-maintained parks contribute to the overall development of children.
Well-maintained parks contribute to the overall development of children.Gomantak Times

The Goa State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (GSCPCR) is mandated to intervene in matters whenever there is a failure to implement policies pertaining to the rights of a child enshrined in the Constitution of India and also the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, including children’s right to play.

The GSCPCR undertook a rapid survey of parks meant and devised for children, maintained by village panchayats and municipal corporations/councils. 

In an era where technology has adversely affected childhood, parks are the only places where children spend time away from gadgets and television. Privileged children as well as children from disadvantaged families have no childhood at all. 

Parks are the only places where children spend time away from gadgets and television.
Parks are the only places where children spend time away from gadgets and television.Gomantak Times

Children in rural areas from disadvantaged backgrounds have to engage in increasing the family earnings, in domestic chores or sibling care. Children based in urban areas are also overburdened with homework and tuition, and hence find it difficult to find any time to play. It cannot be forgotten that we have a large number of street children in the state who have no other place than parks to turn to for their entertainment.

The parks are perceived as offering children a sense of place, self-identity and belonging; as an antidote to social alienation, vandalism and violence. It is in the parks that children can engage in informal, experiential learning through play and shared experiences with peers, laying the foundation for effective formal education.

Parks are a crucial antidote to the unhealthy trends of city life and test-driven education mandates. Mental health experts, educationists and sociologists are beginning to suggest that when kids stop going out into the natural world to play, it can affect not just their development as individuals but society as a whole.

Children in rural areas from disadvantaged backgrounds have to engage in increasing the family earnings, in domestic chores, etc.
Children in rural areas from disadvantaged backgrounds have to engage in increasing the family earnings, in domestic chores, etc.Gomantak Times

The desk review conducted by the GSCPCR, through survey and a few inspections, brought to light the sad state of children’s parks in Goa. While maintenance, safety and security issues are also of concern, it is alarming to note that a large number of villages and municipalities have no such facilities for children.

The GSCPCR recommends the following to the Directorate of Panchayat and Municipal Administration for compliance in the next three months:

1. It is recommended that every village panchayat/municipal council fulfil its obligatory function of developing a park for citizens, including children. A plan to this effect should be submitted to the GSCPCR.

2. The GSCPCR recommends that panchayats and municipal councils/corporations should provide for maintenance and upkeep of the parks, in terms of repairing play equipment and upgrading the same. This could be done through philanthropic organisations and individuals, zilla parishad funds, MPLAD funds and corporate social responsibility schemes.

Children based in urban areas are also overburdened with homework and tuition.
Children based in urban areas are also overburdened with homework and tuition.Gomantak Times

3. The GSCPCR recommends that the municipal councils/corporations and panchayats should have budget provisions geared towards the health, education and development of children. This could include the development of parks, sports, literary, theatre and other children-related activities. These activities could be taken up at anganwadis, primary schools and high schools through the Village Child Committee.

4. There must be adequate security in the parks, which controls the entry of anti-social elements. CCTV cameras must be installed in parks to prevent crimes and ensure safety.

The GSCPCR will soon formulate guidelines for children’s parks in Goa with inputs from the public to suggest long-term measures and strategies, ensuring that permanent machinery is in place to allow children access to parks. An audit of the children’s parks in the state of Goa will also be conducted. GSCPCR also requests the general public to send complaints on the state of affairs of children’s parks in Goa to with a copy to

Well-maintained parks contribute to the overall development of children.
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