Project-based learning enriches Chowgule college students

The project, 'Walls of Learning', was aimed at influencing students' learning
The students and faculty of Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science.
The students and faculty of Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science. Gomantak Times

Sociology students of Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science (Autonomous-Margao) came home enriched after attending a community outreach programme as part of its annual course-based experiential and field learning.

The faculty of the Department of Sociology -- Dr Sachin Savio Moraes (head of the department) and assistant professors Siana D'Mello and Valeska Gracias guided the 40 students during the three-day project at an anganwadi at Velipwada in Balli.

The college claimed it was one of its kind project by undergraduate students of a general stream.  

'The Walls of Learning' project is based on the fact that a student’s environment influences his or her learning.
'The Walls of Learning' project is based on the fact that a student’s environment influences his or her learning.


'The Walls of Learning' project is based on the fact that a student’s environment influences his or her learning. More specifically, the classroom environment influences literacy development. This is why learning walls are so crucial in education.

Typical classrooms usually involve some informative posters, such as alphabets, vegetables etc or an inspirational quote.

While these are great at conveying the theme of the class, they are not the best at promoting the facilitation of learning. The goal of a learning wall is to have “walls that teach”.

The three-day project was organised at Velipwada anganwadi in Balli.
The three-day project was organised at Velipwada anganwadi in Balli.


Learning walls are visual classroom displays focused on the class’s learning intentions. They are intended to facilitate the student’s learning process and likewise evolve throughout the school year. 

The case of an anganwadi school, which consist of children from the age of 3 to 5 years on average, focuses on children learning the basics i.e alphabets, numbers, days of the week, colours, shapes, swar, months of the year and magic words.

The 40 students were divided into 6 groups for the project.
The 40 students were divided into 6 groups for the project.

This content was thought of based on the interaction with the teacher of the anganwadi, Mohini Velip, who was all supportive and encouraging of the idea.

The students along with the teachers of the college conceptualized and planned the whole project.

The college tiger's studio members Presley Fernandes and Pranesh Desai collaborated and provided support and help.

The secondary aim of the project was being able to serve the society, especially the underprivileged who lack the basic environment of learning.  

The faculty of the Department of Sociology guided the students.
The faculty of the Department of Sociology guided the students.


The process involved fund generation with the help of the ex-students, students and teachers and liaisoning with the stakeholders to make the necessary arrangements. 

The 40 students were divided into 6 groups. They undertook the makeover of the interior and exterior walls. The students and teachers resided in the panchayat hall of Balli that was provided by the panchayat. 

The project was inaugurated at the hands of the anganwadi teacher Mohini Velip, child student Ekrupa Mahale, and a parent.
The project was inaugurated at the hands of the anganwadi teacher Mohini Velip, child student Ekrupa Mahale, and a parent.

The food arrangements were made by self-help group entrepreneur Vandana Gaonkar

The Walls of Learning project was inaugurated at the hands of the anganwadi teacher Mohini Velip, child student Ekrupa Mahale, and a parent. 

The faculty said they hope many more teachers from other colleges with their students will replicate the same.

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