Heena Shah GT

Heena Shah is a freelance columnist for the Gomantak Times. She writes for the sustainable travel and lifestyle beat, under which she covers a wide range of topics like waste management, low waste ideas and travelling consciously. She also has a keen interest in blogging and is a postcard fanatic. In her free time, she is busy planning trips all over the world or at least to the next restaurant she can explore. A Bombay born but grew up everywhere else, Heena, is a full time mechanical engineer and part time Japanese language expert. She has a Masters degree in Engineering from Waseda University, Japan and an Advanced Diploma 2 (N2 equivalent) in Japanese language from Mumbai University, India. Heena is low waste advocate, who often tries to bring attention to the matter. With a hope to live in a world where we leave very little behind, someday, she tries to promote these ideas through her articles.
Heena Shah GT
Goa News in English on Gomantak Times