5 things to add to your check list when you plan a beach trip

Here are somethings one should follow, before a trip to the beach
The essentials to carry to the beach
The essentials to carry to the beachGomantak Times

When the idea of going to the beach pops up in summer, the first thoughts that come are of relaxing on the beach, enjoying the summer breeze against one’s skin whilst getting a tan under the sun.

There are plenty of things one can do at the beach, but before that here are a few things that we think are beach day essentials!

The essentials to carry to the beach
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1. Sunscreen & Sunglasses

An essential thing to carry along – for those with the fear of a tan- is applying sunscreen. Unless one is looking to get sun burnt then one can ignore the sunscreen. It is best to apply sunscreen before one leaves the house or ones hotel room, so it’s well absorbed before one reaches the beach. 

Secondly, wearing sunglasses will protect eyes from the harsh sunrays. This way one can relax on the beach bed and not be blinded by the sunrays.

The essentials to carry to the beach
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2. Sun hat or umbrella

Believe me these two items are a life savers when one heads to the beach. Carrying an umbrella or a sunhat helps one protect your skin for the ultraviolet rays of the sun. With these one doesn’t have to go chasing the shade, the umbrella or the hat can save one from that.

The essentials to carry to the beach
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3. Water bottle

Long hours on the beach under the scorching sun can really get one dehydrated. So an important object that should be carried at all times is a water bottle. Staying hydrated will regulate one’s body temperature keeping one’s body happy and ready to enjoy the beach to the maximum.

The essentials to carry to the beach
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4. Swimsuit & towel

One should not go to the beach without these two important items. Without them, going to the beach is pointless. How can one swim without a swimsuit? Or dry oneself without a towel? So yes, do make it a point to carry your swimsuit and towel when heading to the sea. After all, that is the right outfit to wear at the beach

The essentials to carry to the beach
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5. Wet bag

Wondering why a wet bag? Well let’s clear that. After all that swimming you will definitely be carrying a swimsuit filled with water and sand. Now one cannot carry it in your bag, that’s when the wet bag comes to the rescue. You can dump all your wet clothing into the bag and carry that hassle free.

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