The beauty of coconut trees captured along Goa’s landscapes

Here's how coconut trees contribute to the stunning scenery of Goa
Get a slice of Goa which is defined by its coconut trees.
Get a slice of Goa which is defined by its coconut trees.Photo: Rohan Fernandes

With their tall, slender trunk and lush foliage, coconut trees in Goa are truly a sight to behold. A testimony to Goa's beautiful landscape, these coconut trees have been an integral part of the state, adding their own appeal and charm.

Today, World Coconut Day, calls upon us to raise awareness on the many benefits and contributions of coconut trees. Let's take a glance at this nature's coconut miracle through the lens of a photographer.

A common sight in Goa is watching the coconut trees dance on a windy day.
A common sight in Goa is watching the coconut trees dance on a windy day.Photo: Rohan Fernandes


People in Goa wake up to the rustling sound of coconut palms. Standing tall in the morning dew, these trees await the arrival of the sun and the usual bustling of vendors rolling their carts and kids making their way to school.

Coconut trees are quite common along Goa's streets. They are in fact so abundantly cultivated in the state that every second tree is a coconut tree.

Get a slice of Goa which is defined by its coconut trees.
This August was Goa's driest in several decades
Coconut trees love  sunshine and shorelines and are tolerant to salty conditions.
Coconut trees love sunshine and shorelines and are tolerant to salty conditions.Photo: Rohan Fernandes


Bright skies and the blue waters lined with coconut trees make for the most picturesque sights. But coconut trees that usually appear to dot the riversides and coasts not only flaunt their beauty but their importance goes beyond in providing safety to Goa.

Coconut trees really help make all the difference. They shield the little state from gusty winds and prevent landslides and erosion.

Tourists and locals alike lounge under the coconut palms at Goa's beaches.
Tourists and locals alike lounge under the coconut palms at Goa's beaches.Photo: Rohan Fernandes


The state's always been an ideal destination for getaways and holidaying. And due credit needs to be given to the numerous coconut trees that add their own charm to Goa's tropical vibe.

Tourists across the globe pack their bags and flock to enjoy a relaxing evening by the beach lying under the protective care of the coconut palms and take back memories and breathtaking silhouettes like these.

Coconut trees add beauty to Goa's landscapes.
Coconut trees add beauty to Goa's landscapes.Photo: Rohan Fernandes


The swaying coconut trees, sun-kissed along the beautiful lanes of the rural villages, are bound to make one feel nostalgic about the yesteryears of Goa. Beautiful moments like these fill one with emotions and appreciation of what nature beholds.

Get a slice of Goa which is defined by its coconut trees.
Dear Zindagi, give the coconut trees in Parra a break!
From curries, sweets to feni, Goans have benefited immensely from coconut trees.
From curries, sweets to feni, Goans have benefited immensely from coconut trees. Photo: Rohan Fernandes


Coconut trees are keepsakes passed over through generations. Moreover, most of the coconut trees that are seen today were once grown by our elders.

Over the years, coconut trees have sustained the people of Goa. Coconut and the state's culture are so meticulously interlaced till this date that life without coconut rather seems incomplete to most.

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