This year’s 'Sao Joao' celebrations in Agassaim village

The twelve wards of Agassaim village, in Goa, got together to celebrate the annual festival of 'Sao Joao'
Some villagers don traditional attire at the Sao Joao celebrations in Agassaim village
Some villagers don traditional attire at the Sao Joao celebrations in Agassaim villagePIC COURTESY: Mario Pires

After a two-year long break due to the pandemic, the traditional and colourful Sao Joao celebrations kicked off in Agassaim village on June 26, 2022 with the active participation of all the parishioners from different wards.


The feast of St John, the Baptist is usually celebrated annually by the Catholic Church on June 24. But this year, as it collided with the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it was preponed on June 23, as per the liturgical calendar. The feast and the liturgical celebration is related to the birth of St John Baptist, recounting the incident when Mary visited her cousin sister, Elizabeth, and how the child in her womb leapt with joy. Mary stayed with her cousin for three months, assisting her in all her needs and returned home.

But, the traditional celebration this year, which brings in brotherhood and harmony, was marked as June 26, 2022 at St Lawrence Church square. Villagers, young and old, marched from their respective wards in colourful attire, dancing to the catchy songs and foot-tapping music of ‘Sao Joao’.

Revellers, dressed in floral costumes n wearing 'kopels,' at this year's Sao Joao celebrations in Agassaim
Revellers, dressed in floral costumes n wearing 'kopels,' at this year's Sao Joao celebrations in Agassaim PIC COURTESY: Mario Pires


The brass band in attendance for the fanfare was led by Santa Cruz-based noted musician, Vitorino Araujo and his jolly boys. All the people from different wards, paving their way to the church square, were greeted by the sound of blowing trumpets, saxophone and drums.


The twelve wards of Agassaim village, namely Malwara, Dugrem, Sulabhatt, Mercurim Pequeno and Grand, Alto-Mogrim, Casabhatt, Dexibhatt, Padribhatt, Baixo-de-Igreja, Moita and Dandim were divided into four groups, each carrying a different theme related to the age-old occupations still prevalent in the village.

The occupations depicted at the celebration included farming, fishing, toddy tapping and pork sellers. These occupations which once had a prominent place in the village, providing self-employment to many village folk, are slowly dwindling.


Apart from the variety of food prepared by different groups such as Pulao, Vindaloo, Chicken Xacuti, Salad and the traditional sweet delicacy Onn. The children, including the youth and the old were given a platform to showcase their talents on stage. Some of them rendered songs n varied themes, while others danced to foot-tapping music.

The highlight of the programme was selecting the best kopel among the audience and declaring the winner. Both, the young and the old, were very enthusiastic about the event and participated whole-heartedly.

Some villagers don traditional attire at the Sao Joao celebrations in Agassaim village
Tiatr Review: ‘8 Dis’


The parish priest of St Lawrence Church, Fr Mario Leitao and assistant parish priest, Fr Dominic Savio Rodrigues, were the brains behind the entire programme. In his message, Fr Leitao said that the sole aim of organizing such an event was precisely to bring all the villagers together and create a friendly atmosphere. “All sorts of differences should be brushed aside and everyone should learn to live in harmony, which will help strengthen the bonds of brotherhood,” he said.

There was also ‘housie’ being played and conducted by the organizers, carrying a bumper prize of a piglet. All the people played the game enthusiastically, with the sole aim of winning the piglet. Rita Gonsalves from Baixo-de-Igreja and the church staff won the prize, but she gifted it to the organizers, who in turn auctioned it, much to the amusement of the spectators. Being the highest bidder, Xavier Gracias, ex-sarpanch of Agassaim Village Panachayat, took it away.

The celebration passed off peacefully, with rain pouring in, occasionally, adding splendor to the entire event. In previous years, due to a dry spell, the organizers would be forced to create artificial rain to make the event a memorable one.

Some villagers don traditional attire at the Sao Joao celebrations in Agassaim village
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