Tiatr Review: ‘Police Porjeche kai Montreanche?’

Saby de Divar’s latest production revolves around a cop and his string of misdeeds
Saby de Divar’s latest production is ‘Police Porjeche kai Montreanche?’
Saby de Divar’s latest production is ‘Police Porjeche kai Montreanche?’Gomantak Times

Before getting into the profession, a policeman takes an oath that he will serve the state and his country to the best of his abilities and in all honesty and dedication.

But, while exercising his duties, he is inclined to get himself stained in corruption. And, circumstances force him to indulge in bad practices.

What follows next is acceptance of bribes and getting drowned in corruption. It is not out of free will, but conditions and positions force the policemen to be involved in such malpractices.

Saby de Divar’s latest production is ‘Police Porjeche kai Montreanche?’
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Saby de Divar’s latest production, Police Porjeche kai Montreanche?, brings to light what’s prevailing in the police department and how cops are forced to indulge in bad behaviour to save their skin.

Two policemen exercise their duties at the police station. But, one of them is honest and the other is corrupt. Police sub-inspector (PSI) (Vishal Gawas) is upright and will not move an inch to stain his uniform by involving in corruption.

A scene from Saby de Divar’s latest production, ‘Police Porjeche kai Montreanche?’
A scene from Saby de Divar’s latest production, ‘Police Porjeche kai Montreanche?’Mario Pires

On the other hand, there’s Frank (Franky Gonsalves) who is corrupt and has tarnished his image due to acceptance of bribes, and other notorious acts.

When at home, Frank mistreats his sober wife, Reema (Antonet de Maina). However, there’s a reason for such behaviour. He is more involved with his mistress (Joylita) than faithfulness towards his spouse.

A scene from Saby de Divar’s latest production, ‘Police Porjeche kai Montreanche?’
A scene from Saby de Divar’s latest production, ‘Police Porjeche kai Montreanche?’Mario Pires

Frank’s father (Jaju), is also a police officer, but an honest man in his profession. He desires that his son should follow in his footsteps, but just the opposite happens.

One fine day, a goon (Mario) involved in the drug trade, is arrested and put behind bars. PSI Frank interferes and seeks his freedom. He does all that in order to get his daily quota.

Saby de Divar’s latest production is ‘Police Porjeche kai Montreanche?’
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A minister’s involvement spoils the entire game and the goon is freed from prison.

PSI Frank works out a plan to trap his counterpart and uses his mistress in the act. But, it backfires and Frank is put behind bars and also loses his job. He turns insane. What follows next is worth the watch on stage.

Saby de Divar’s latest production is ‘Police Porjeche kai Montreanche?’
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When any system turns defective, corruption finds its way and then, the entire set-up begins to corrode further. The general public often blames police for corruption in various spheres, but there’s a reason behind every misdeed.

Roseferns, Jaju, Antonette de Maina, Joylita, Franky Gonsalves, Vishal Gawas and Mario are in the main cast, and each of them has played their respective roles to perfection.

Saby de Divar’s latest production is ‘Police Porjeche kai Montreanche?’
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Comedian Dominic, Luis Bachan, Aveena and Nato come together for some laughter pills and they entertain throughout with comical acts on stage.

In the section of songs, Antonet de Maina and Joylita step on stage for the opening song. There are a couple of solos rendered by Jr Reagan, Evaristo de Arambol, Xavier Gomes and Marcus Vaz.

Other songs that follow are by Antonet de Maina and Jr Reagan, Evaristo and Jaju and Xavier, Joylita, Marcus and Saby de Divar.

Saby de Divar’s latest production is ‘Police Porjeche kai Montreanche?’
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As usual, Saby de Divar’s political song received an encore from the audience. Senon, Alloy (trumpet), Jayne (saxophone), Eusly (bass), Arif (keyboard) and Ivo (drums) have provided good, appealing music.

The sets on stage are good and leave a good impression, especially the bungalow and the police station. Lights by Dinesh have been executed effectively.

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