Tiatr review: 'Flying Kiss' is about family, relationships

Watch this family drama of love, betrayal and hope, from Goan writer, director and comedian, Dominic
'Flying Kiss' is the latest 'tiatr' from Goan writer, director, comedian, Dominic.
'Flying Kiss' is the latest 'tiatr' from Goan writer, director, comedian, Dominic. Photo: Gomantak Times

The name of this tiatr may sound more like a romance, but Flying Kiss has nothing to do with friendship and love, be it in schools or colleges.

Instead, it is a family melodrama, wherein the writer and director, comedian Dominic, tries to portray a family picture where each other’s timely assistance can help save a life.

'Flying Kiss' is the latest 'tiatr' from Goan writer, director, comedian, Dominic.
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It also shows how important relationships are in a family – and among family members, including in-laws. All the elements ultimately help in the healthy growth of a family.


The story is about guardians (Rosario Botelho and Priscila), who reside with their two sons under one roof.

The eldest Watty (Manuel) is married to Sonia (Denzilia Menezes), while the younger son Perry (Ubaldo) shows inclination towards priesthood.

A scene from 'Flying Kiss', the latest 'tiatr' from Goan writer, director, comedian, Dominic.
A scene from 'Flying Kiss', the latest 'tiatr' from Goan writer, director, comedian, Dominic. Photo: Mario Pires

After marriage, the in-laws make all efforts to shower love and affection towards their only daughter-in-law, Sonia.

As she is poor and has no parents, the mother-in-law is very compassionate and even shares all her gold ornaments with her.

'Flying Kiss' is the latest 'tiatr' from Goan writer, director, comedian, Dominic.
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But, over a period of time, the true colours of Sonia are exposed in the family. She gradually begins to hate her in-laws and keeps them at arm’s length.

While the grandchild is affectionate towards her grandparents, Sonia tries to take her only daughter (Sonali Naik) away from them.

Don't miss the drama in 'Flying Kiss', the latest 'tiatr' from Goan writer, director, comedian, Dominic.
Don't miss the drama in 'Flying Kiss', the latest 'tiatr' from Goan writer, director, comedian, Dominic. Photo: Mario Pires

To get rid of her only brother-in-law, Perry, Sonia has some other wicked plans in mind. She becomes successful in her mission.

And, when ill health strikes Watty, Sonia is the only ray of hope for her husband, but she refuses to help him.

Ultimately, who comes to whose rescue is worth watching in the second half of the drama.


Rosario and Priscila, as guardians, have displayed ample talent, and they are assisted by Manuel and Ubaldo as siblings in the family.

Denzilia appears as the daughter-in-law – sweet at first and wicked, later. She has probably stepped in the shoes of an actor for the first time, and that too on the commercial stage.

From renditions to acting, a little more effort on her part, and she will scale the ladder of success.

As the daughter of the newly wedded couple, Sonali Naik also displays a lot of talent on stage. Xavier de Maina supports the main cast with a minor entry as the doctor

'Flying Kiss' is the latest 'tiatr' from Goan writer, director, comedian, Dominic.
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For some laughter pills, there’s comedian Dominic who entertains with Lino, Lanessa and Joylan. They carry a good dose of laughter pills with them.

Newcomer and teenager, Joylan displays a lot of natural talent as a comedian.

In the section of songs, Denzilia renders the opening song, followed by solos from Jr Reagan, Saby de Divar, Elias, Rons, Leslie.

There’s a duo from comedian Dominic and Lino; a duet from Xavier de Maina and Priscila; and a song from Leslie, Lino, Rons and comedian Dominic.

'Flying Kiss' is the latest 'tiatr' from Goan writer, director, comedian, Dominic.
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Among the musicians, Joven, Savil, Adrol (trumpet), Sanford (keyboard), Mario (bass), Mauvin (drums) assisted with live music offstage.

The stage sets have been worked upon by Anthony de Ambaji with Jose Borges as the stage manager, while Tony has handled the lights.

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