Tiatr Review: ‘Tunch Chintun Poi’

‘Tunch Chintun Poi’ is Pierson D’Costa’s directorial debut and has been playing to packed houses
A scene from Pierson D’Costa’s tiatr, ‘Tunch Chintun Poi’
A scene from Pierson D’Costa’s tiatr, ‘Tunch Chintun Poi’Gomantak Times

After having garnered confidence as an actor and singer on stage, there are ample opportunities for all those artistes trying their fortune as tiatr directors. But, it is always one step and one day at a time, till you are acclaimed by the audience as a seasoned tiatrist.  

Among the seasoned and senior tiatr directors, there are many amateurs who are gradually scaling up as writers and directors of the tiatr stage. And, audiences have welcomed them and accepted, appreciated and supported their work towards Konkani and tiatr.

A scene from Pierson D’Costa’s tiatr, ‘Tunch Chintun Poi’
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Pierson D’Costa made his debut on the Konkani stage by acting and singing for several tiatr directors. He was groomed in some of the tiatrs, staged by the late Mario Menezes, where he picked up and learnt the nuances of tiatr.

And now, this energetic youngster has finally decided to script, direct and stage his own tiatr, much to the appreciation of the audience. His first production on the professional stage Tunch Chintun Poi was staged to full houses in Margao.

‘Tunch Chintun Poi’ is Pierson D’Costa’s directorial debut
‘Tunch Chintun Poi’ is Pierson D’Costa’s directorial debutPIC COURTESY: Mario Pires


The late Mario Menezes was to be part of Pierson D’Costa’s first production, but his untimely demise deprived him of doing so. And so, D’Costa decided to pay his rich tributes to the departed soul through his production.

Pierson D’Costa’s first tiatr, Tunch Chintun Poi, is a direct call for introspection. It is a story about a mother (Roma) and her two daughters Kim (Antonette de Maina) and Rose (Melissa). Kim is an adopted child, but she is unaware of it. And her sibling, Rose, is differently-abled.

There is Franco (Franky), who is educated, but unemployed and he puts up with his aged father (Ulhas Tari). Franco and Kim are in love and they vow before the Baradi Cross that faithfulness will continue till the end.

A scene from Pierson D’Costa’s tiatr, ‘Tunch Chintun Poi’
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Franco wins a job with a decent salary and he is all excited. He goes to Kim and conveys the good news, but he encounters disappointment. Will Franco be able to go ahead without Kim? For the hasty decision taken by Kim, will she be content thereafter? What is the end result?

There are some fine performances from Roma, Ulhas Tari and they are ably supported by Franky, Antonette de Maina, Caziton de Cacora and Melissa.

To entertain the audience with laughter pills, comedians Dominic, John D’Silva, Dorothy, Richard, Nato and Agnelo come together for some comic acts. But as the saying goes, ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’, just a few of those comedians could have produced the best comedy on stage.

For entertainment via songs, Tony de Ribandar and Maythan step on stage for the opening song. There is a good dose of solos from Melissa, Caziton, Pierson and Maythan. One political solo by noted political singer Saby de Divar receives an encore.

A song from Pierson D’Costa’s tiatr, ‘Tunch Chintun Poi’
A song from Pierson D’Costa’s tiatr, ‘Tunch Chintun Poi’PIC COURTESY: Mario Pires

Late Mario Menezes is remembered by Lawry Travasso and Tony de Ribandar by their solos. There are more songs by Antonette de Maina, Dorothy, Melissa and Roma, Antonette de Maina/Saby de Divar and Caziton/Maythan.

Nolvert and Queter on first and second trumpet, Nazareth on the saxophone, Tremson on the drums, Clinton on the keyboard and Ensly on the bass entertain with live music offstage. Anthony de Ambaji has shouldered the responsibility of the stage sets, while Dinesh has handled the lights.

A scene from Pierson D’Costa’s tiatr, ‘Tunch Chintun Poi’
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