Learn Goa’s culture via stamps @ the Museum of Christian Art

The Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa, is organising a lecture on ‘Goa’s Culture and Heritage’ via philately
The Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa, is organising a lecture on ‘Goa’s Culture and Heritage’ via philately Gomantak Times

Understanding Goa’s culture and heritage through philately

The Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa, is organising a lecture on ‘Goa’s Culture and Heritage’ using the philatelic collection of Dr Ramesh Kumar on October 22, 2022.

A former Chief Scientist at the National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, Dr Kumar has been a philatelist from an early age, and has also been the President of the Goa Philately and Numismatics Society. He has participated in district, state and national level philatelic exhibitions, and won several awards. A Philatelic Journey to Antarctica, Goa's Culture and Heritage through Philately, First Day Covers, and Cochin Postal History are some themes from his collection.

WHERE: Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa

WHEN: Saturday, October 22, 2022

TIMINGS: 4 pm – 5 pm

CONTACT: +91 8308805399

The Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa, is organising a lecture on ‘Goa’s Culture and Heritage’ via philately
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