Curlies owner, drug peddler held in Sonali Phogat murder case

Chief Minister asserts those who are guilty will be punished
Curlies owner, drug peddler held in Sonali Phogat murder case

The Curlies restaurant in Anjuna has courted serious trouble after the Sonali Phogat death case. The Goa police on Saturday arrested the owner of the restaurant, Edwin Nunes.

They also arrested a suspected drug peddler.

Two of Sonali’s associates, Sudhir Sagwan and Sukhwinder Singh were earlier arrested by police for allegedly spiking Sonali’s drink with an ‘obnoxious’ chemical and forcefully making her consume it.

The suspected drug peddler, Dattaprasad Gaonkar from Valpoi, Sattari, was arrested from Anjuna after the accused "confessed" in their statement that they had procured drugs mixed into the drink from him.

Phogat had partied with the accused duo at Curlies late at night on August 22 before her death under mysterious circumstances. Police have sealed the first floor of the restaurant where Sonali was partying and where she was allegedly forcibly given synthetic drugs.

Curlies owner, drug peddler held in Sonali Phogat murder case
Phogat: Sad end to an enterprising story

The police have so far interrogated more than a dozen people in the case, including the staff at the resort where Phogat was staying, the hospital where she was declared brought dead, and her driver.

Phogat's death was initially seen as a case of a heart attack, but later converted to a murder case after the drug angle came to the fore.

Meanwhile, Chief Minister Pramod Sawant said the guilty will be punished one hundred per cent. “Goa govt has extended full support from day one to the investigation. Those who have to be punished will be punished," CM Sawant said while speaking to media persons today.

Curlies owner, drug peddler held in Sonali Phogat murder case
Multiple blunt force injuries on body: Phogat autopsy

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