Goa SCPCR laments child protection issues neglected

Requests urgent meeting of all stakeholders under the leadership of the Chief Secretary to resolve critical issues affecting children
URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Child protection crisis in Goa: An attempt to tackle issues of child protection in Goa.
URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Child protection crisis in Goa: An attempt to tackle issues of child protection in Goa. Gomantak Times

In a resolute attempt to tackle the persisting issue of child protection in Goa, Peter F Borges, the Chairperson of the Goa State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, has written a persuasive follow-up letter to the Chief Secretary of the Government of Goa.

The letter is an outcome of the lack of response to the previous one addressed to the Chief Secretary, indicating a growing worry for the well-being of the most at-risk individuals in the state: its children.

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Child protection crisis in Goa: An attempt to tackle issues of child protection in Goa.
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The Commission's persistence is marked by a call for immediate action, emphasising the dire need for a collaborative and immediate resolution to the issues plaguing child welfare and protection in Goa.

Again, highlighting a series of more critical issues that have been continuously ignored, Borges shed light on the neglect and bureaucratic indifference that has allowed these problems to persist.

The Commission's persistence is marked by a call for immediate action, emphasising the dire need for a collaborative and immediate resolution to the issues plaguing child welfare and protection in Goa.

The failure to enforce the State Mental Health Rules 2017, the oversight of the AIDS Act, the appalling neglect of special schools, the dire situation of street children, the inefficiency in the system of compensation for sexually abused children, the critical gap in policing for POCSO cases, the collapse of Mission Vatsalya, the alarming backlog of POCSO cases, and the lax response to protecting children in sports and education were all outlined as areas requiring urgent attention.

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Child protection crisis in Goa: An attempt to tackle issues of child protection in Goa.
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"The deliberate bureaucratic hurdles impeding the effective functioning of the Commission are indefensible," stated Borges, emphasising the gravity of the situation. "These obstacles hinder the Commission's crucial work. Despite these challenges, the Commission has made significant contributions to child protection in Goa, marking pivotal advancements that deserve not only recognition but also reinforcement through strengthened support and resources."

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Child protection crisis in Goa: An attempt to tackle issues of child protection in Goa.
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In a statement that underscores the urgency of the situation, Borges expressed, "Recommendations and directives, grounded in the harsh realities faced by our children, and aimed at rectifying years of neglect and inaction, remain unimplemented. We must break the chains of bureaucratic indifference and take decisive action that will pave the way for a future where every child is valued, protected, and given the opportunity to thrive."

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Child protection crisis in Goa: An attempt to tackle issues of child protection in Goa.
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The Commission has called for an immediate joint meeting of all stakeholders under the leadership of the Chief Secretary to engage in comprehensive and constructive dialogue aimed at resolving these critical issues. "The necessity of convening a joint meeting of all stakeholders cannot be overstated when it comes to resolving the critical issues at hand," Borges asserted.

The time to act is now, and the Commission has urged the Government of Goa to not be the one that has failed its children but to be the beacon of hope, the catalyst for change

The time to act is now, and the Commission has urged the Government of Goa to not be the one that has failed its children but to be the beacon of hope, the catalyst for change. "Our children, our future, cannot wait," concluded Borges, calling for immediate and concerted efforts to address the child protection crisis in Goa.

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