Rigorous application of new Tourism Dept order a necessity

Continual harassment of native Goans by impertinent tourists must be curbed
The Goa government seems to be seriously concerned about improving the state’s tourism sector
The Goa government seems to be seriously concerned about improving the state’s tourism sectorPic courtesy: Dhiraj Harmalkar

The new order issued by the Tourism Department strictly prohibiting tourists from creating a nuisance and displaying unacceptable behaviour when in Goa should be implemented in toto. Goans feel it was a much needed move in light of the brazen and belligerent attitude exhibited by tourists in Goa lately.

The Goa government seems to be seriously concerned about improving the state’s tourism sector. Considering the trouble caused by domestic tourists most recently in Goa, the Tourism Department has now rolled up its sleeves to clear this mess.

The new order prohibits several activities on the coastal belt of Goa as well as in other tourist spots in the state. According to this order, tourists have been prohibited from cooking on roadsides in the open and drinking alcohol out in open spaces. Touting any tourism-related tickets to tourists has also been prohibited.

The Goa government seems to be seriously concerned about improving the state’s tourism sector
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Watersports and other tourism-connected activities have been permitted in notified areas only.  Outside the notified areas, these activities will be considered unauthorised. Heavy penalties and strict action will be initiated against those who violate the points mentioned in this order. Tourists have also been forbidden from taking vehicles on beaches. The hawkers who encroach on footpaths and other places near tourist destinations will not be allowed to do so as per this order.

Peter Andrade from Vasco said, “The new order issued by the Tourism Department should not remain only on paper. The intention seems to be good, but who will bell the cat? Implementation of the order can result in cleaning up the mess in the tourism sector, which presently looks like a cake with hundreds of flies around it. Proper enforcement would result in a clean display of our beautiful Goa. Many tourists think that what is going on is part of life in Goa and that we Goans want them to carry on as it helps us earn a living. A sound message should be given out that this is not the Goa that our ancestors kept safe for us."

The Goa government seems to be seriously concerned about improving the state’s tourism sector
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Daniel D’Souza, the head of the Botanical Society of Goa, said, “It’s high time that things related to Goa tourism are put in place. Right now, what our younger generation is seeing, a nuisance in the name of tourism, is leaving a wrong impression on them. Tourists drinking openly on beaches, littering and not dressing properly in public is wrong behaviour. I feel all government departments should work in sync and take note of these issues.”

Nikita Chodankar, a mass communications lecturer, said, “Goa is not just a tourist destination. It is the home of many Goans. We prefer to live in peace and harmony. But when some tourists behave in an uncivilised manner, it is very disheartening as it creates a negative image of Goa. It is the duty of every person coming to the state to respect the land and culture, and not behave in a way that would tarnish the image of Goa.”

The Goa government seems to be seriously concerned about improving the state’s tourism sector
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