Understanding Goa's 'kulagars'

A one-day workshop on 'kulagars' will be held on May 26, 2022
Kulagar in Goa
Kulagar in Goa Picture Courtesy: Goagreen.com

There is a huge diversity of flora and fauna along the Western Ghats of India. Goa, being one such place, has various such elements. The climate here is suitable for such biodiversity species to thrive.

Farmers in this region, for several years, have been adopting a homestead system of gardening called 'kulagars', which is mainly for horticultural products, cultivated on hill slopes in the terrace system.

Usually, the plantation includes betel nut, pepper and bananas.

A one-day workshop on 'kulagars' will be held on May 26, 2022 at the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) unit of the ICAR- Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Old Goa.

The workshop will help to understand the management of 'kulagars', the credit loan, marketing and linkage between the stakeholders and the farmers-producers organization (FPO) in Goa.

It will start at 10 am at the Sal Training Hall, ICAR-KVK, Old Goa. The participants of the workshop will include experts from the industry, bankers, NABARD, officers of the Agriculture Department, ATMA, scientists from ICAR-CCARI and members from Goa Bagaytadar Society.

Kulagar in Goa
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