National Games may help popularise billiards and snooker

Promised finances for National Games not received by SAG
Krishna Barad, who is likely to be selected to represent Goa for the
37th National Games, plans a pot during the trials.
Krishna Barad, who is likely to be selected to represent Goa for the 37th National Games, plans a pot during the trials. Photo: Augusto Rodrigues


Billiards and snooker are well-known and well-followed games on television in Goa but with few players. The Billiards and Snooker Association of Goa (BSAG) was founded in 2012 but is still in the infancy stage.

With the Sports Authority of Goa (SAG) not having the promised finances for preparatory camps, the chances of Goa making a mark during the 37th National Games are not looking too good.

BSAG secretary Jagdish Badiger (L) and President Saeesh Hegde (R) expect
to increase popularity of the sport during the National Games.
BSAG secretary Jagdish Badiger (L) and President Saeesh Hegde (R) expect to increase popularity of the sport during the National Games. Photo: Augusto Rodrigues

“Let us be practical. We need to popularise the games, and this is the best opportunity,” stated Saeesh Hedge, the president of BSAG, as he watched the selection trials.

The Indian Olympic Association president Shripad Naik took a delegation of office bearers of certain associations to Chief Minister Pramod Sawant requesting the government to release funds for the preparation of athletes for the National Games.

Krishna Barad, who is likely to be selected to represent Goa for the
37th National Games, plans a pot during the trials.
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“The chief minister has promised to release half the funds, but the situation is cagey. At the end of the meeting, no one was aware when the funds will be released,” stated a member of an association who was part of the delegation, on the condition of anonymity.

Sports Minister Govind Gaude had quite a while back announced that the government would sponsor a ninety-day camp (forty-five-day residential) and that the expenses of procuring the best coaches would be borne too.

“We have given our proposal as asked but are not sure whether we will be able to procure the services of a good coach as a good coach costs much more than what is budgeted”

Jagdish Badiger, Secretary of BSAG

“We have given our proposal as asked but are not sure whether we will be able to procure the services of a good coach as a good coach costs much more than what is budgeted,” stated Jagdish Badiger, the secretary of BSAG.

“Budgets for all sports are not the same. Games have been prioritised and snooker is not in the top category. Therefore, they will not get the funds required to get their coach,” stated a high-ranking official in the Sports Authority of Goa (SAG).

Krishna Barad, who is likely to be selected to represent Goa for the
37th National Games, plans a pot during the trials.
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Goa has hosted national billiards and snooker tournaments in the past with world champion Pankaj Advani participating in a few, and yet, not many Goans have taken to playing.

Goan cueists need proper coaches and exposure to make a mark during the
National Games, thinks Felix Francis, who teaches the basics.
Goan cueists need proper coaches and exposure to make a mark during the National Games, thinks Felix Francis, who teaches the basics. Photo: Augusto Rodrigues

“Once billiards and snooker are added by the School Games Federation of India, schools will get excited to promote the sport. We have to start from the school stage and that is our dream,” stated Sunil Morajkar, the founder president of BSAG and current president of the Billiards and Snooker Federation of India (BSFI).

Krishna Barad, who is likely to be selected to represent Goa for the
37th National Games, plans a pot during the trials.
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“Once the National Games are over, we intend to shift the ten tables procured by the government to various parts of Goa. At the moment, enthusiasts need to visit parlours where it is expensive to play. We want to break that,” claimed Sunil.

The BSAG has two tables in a space provided by SAG at the Bambolim stadium and enthusiasts are coached by Felix Francis, who patiently observes and educates the athletes on the niceties of the games.

Krishna Barad, who is likely to be selected to represent Goa for the
37th National Games, plans a pot during the trials.
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“The boys require much more coaching and a change in their thought process. They require a lot of exposure and good coaches to prepare for the National Games,” stated Felix from Pune, who has been with the boys for the last month and a half.

Players of snooker, billiards and many other games are not set to see promises made by the government fructify before the National Games, because money earmarked for preparations is being spent elsewhere.

From amongst those participating, hopes are on Krishna Barad from Santa Cruz to deliver triumphs during the National Games.

“Playing in the National Games is a chance that comes in a lifetime. Playing snooker relaxes my mind. It gives me peace that money cannot,” says Krishna, as he takes a break from the game.

Krishna Barad, who is likely to be selected to represent Goa for the
37th National Games, plans a pot during the trials.
A bachelor's degree in Theology now at Rachol Seminary in Goa

Players of snooker, billiards and many other games are not set to see promises made by the government fructify before the National Games, because money earmarked for preparations is being spent elsewhere.

Chief Minister Pramod Sawant will definitely need to make special allocations and as one official said “that too may be spent wrongly.” Thus leaving the sportspersons preparing to earn the ire and scorn of the public.

For BSAG, the spread of popularity could well be the ticket to the future of the sport.

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