Self-accidents in Goa are surely avoidable

Recklessness and negligence on the road are not merely over-speeding, there are other triggers to mishaps, too
ACCIDENT PRONE ZONE: Some accidents, such as those involving mobile phones while driving, are clearly avoidable.
ACCIDENT PRONE ZONE: Some accidents, such as those involving mobile phones while driving, are clearly avoidable.Photo: Gomantak Times
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It’s turning common to read of self-accidents taking place across Goa. Whether it is a four-wheeler or a two-wheeler, it is almost every alternate day that there are posts on social media platforms of such accidents.

Many of these accidents may not get reported on the newspaper, or might get buried somewhere on an inner page, but it is the media outlets that are posting these accidents as breaking news, so there is authentication, and so, we can assume that these are not fake.

ACCIDENT PRONE ZONE: Some accidents, such as those involving mobile phones while driving, are clearly avoidable.
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A self-accident is one where the driver, or the rider, of a vehicle loses control and either skids or rams onto the side of the road. Most have not resulted in serious injuries, which is a blessing, but the increase in them is worrisome, leading of course to the question of what could be the reason for these self-accidents?

Assuming that all those who meet with these self-accidents are licenced drivers, the reasons could encompass a wide range from among what the authorities usually register as rash and negligent driving.

Assuming that all those who meet with these self-accidents are licenced drivers, the reasons could encompass a wide range from among what the authorities usually register as rash and negligent driving.

Self-accidents are, there can be no doubt, the result of negligence or rashness, and this could be speeding recklessly, overtaking on the wrong side which is very common on the roads of Goa, misjudging a curve, and various others.

But in the current scenario, one must consider another reason that is perhaps becoming quite common on the streets of Goa.

Would a percentage of these self-accidents be due to the driver or rider talking on the phone? One has to only stand in any corner of a street for a short while and observe the vehicles going by.

ACCIDENT PRONE ZONE: Some accidents, such as those involving mobile phones while driving, are clearly avoidable.
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There will be a significant number of drivers or riders with the phone to their ears, some even tapping on the screen of their cell phones.

Talking on the phone, messaging are both dangerous, and what makes it even more dangerous is the fact that two-wheeler riders have come up with three ways of riding and speaking simultaneously.

In one instance, they jam the phone between the ear and the helmet, in the other, they tilt their head in such manner that the phone is caught in place by the cheek and the shoulder, and the third is holding the phone in one hand.

In one instance, they jam the phone between the ear and the helmet, in the other, they tilt their head in such manner that the phone is caught in place by the cheek and the shoulder, and the third is holding the phone in one hand.

None of these are safe to do when riding, yet, these scenes are so common on Goa’s roads. Can the use of cell phones, while driving, be one of the major reasons for the self-accidents?

Other than this, it is also common for tourists and delivery persons, to use apps that provide directions to the destination.

In the case of tourists, the pillion rider can often be seen holding the phone in front of the driver, while delivery persons of course hold it in their hands. This perhaps is the riskiest practice of all.

ACCIDENT PRONE ZONE: Some accidents, such as those involving mobile phones while driving, are clearly avoidable.
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This brings to mind a cartoon that had popped up on social media just recently, showing an extraterrestrial having crashed his spacecraft on earth, and the people who find him stating, ‘I don’t know if you’d call it a higher lifeform. He appears to be texting.’

Very pertinent to the current topic, as accidents caused by one being on the phone – whether speaking or texting – shows an abject lack of common sense and logic, let us not even venture into the realm of intelligence.

ACCIDENT PRONE ZONE: Some accidents, such as those involving mobile phones while driving, are clearly avoidable.
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Admittedly, not every self-accident may be due to the driver or rider being on the phone, there are of course other reasons and some of these are definitely avoidable.

Goa’s roads are peopled by motorists who are constantly breaking the rules, perhaps there are some who don’t even know some of these rules.

The manner in which certain motorists ride and drive, can definitely be termed as a menace to the more cautious rider.

It is especially unnerving to have a two-wheeler zoom past on the left of the vehicle, and of late this is also occurring with four-wheelers, that overtake on the wrong lane.

It is even more unsettling to see that motorist, or rider, swing on either side of the road ahead attempting to overtake every other vehicle.

ACCIDENT PRONE ZONE: Some accidents, such as those involving mobile phones while driving, are clearly avoidable.
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It is urgent that the traffic police who penalise the helmetless riders should target these motorists, those who overtake on the wrong side of the road, as these are endangering not just themselves, but also the lives of others who are following all the rules.

Self-accidents cannot occur without a reason, and if these reasons are avoidable, then the number of mishaps can, and should, be reduced.

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