Who cares? The new catchphrase in Goa

When met with the destruction of Goa, what most Goans do is shrug their shoulders; this reaction is certainly not helping the State in any ways
Blind eye turned to Goa's destruction.
Blind eye turned to Goa's destruction. Gomantak Times

Disrobing of our forests started slowly. At first, zones started changing and land that could not be touched started being raped. Slowly, fires appeared in forests and the pain intensified.

Since the death of Manohar Parrikar or perhaps a bit before, there started a scramble for land in Goa and the word that was scrabbled was money. Land is a priority for those who wish to be rich overnight, irrespective of the consequences for our environment.

Blind eye turned to Goa's destruction.
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Goa was not just the land of sun, sea and sand but forests, its wetlands and all things that contribute to inner solace. Now, the sea is there but the smile on the surf has vanished; the sand is there but is dirty; the forests are there but are mysteriously burning and that solace is vanishing.

Goan psyche is being washed as tourism is seeing a washout because Goa today is bending when it should be bowing to the demands of tourists from the country that seem to be calling the shots, when it is the host that should.

Now, the sea is there but the smile on the surf has vanished; the sand is there but is dirty; the forests are there but are mysteriously burning and that solace is vanishing.

Loud music is the new norm and despite a clear judgment from the Supreme Court, none seem to care because the police, the guardians of the law do not.

The locals and those affected are fed up giving a holler to the cops because instead of stopping, the music is played every day, at times for almost 18 hours continuously and even the dictates of a Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) are ignored.

Blind eye turned to Goa's destruction.
Church, cafreal, CHOG-M, Saligao’s capital C's

The situation is cringey that Goans are made to look like fools with environment used as a fuse to blow apart the little of what is left. Clandestinely, someone from somewhere in Bengaluru woke up and sat with a hookah to have a rave party riding on the frills of environment.

There was a time in Goa where smoking chillums in the forest was not a bad idea. But, having a party with loud music in the habitat of animals was an idea that never crossed the mind. Chillums chilled; chemical kills.

The situation is cringey that Goans are made to look like fools with environment used as a fuse to blow apart the little of what is left.

Since  the sun did not burn the way it should why not try burning the environment through a wild party in the forest and dress it with children, education et al to tune with, “just another breaking the wall”.

Who cares? It really did not matter because on all three days, there were mostly cars from all over India and a few foreigners. The few locals that were there were enjoying the fruit of hospitality – Indian style.

Blind eye turned to Goa's destruction.
FRANKLY FRANK: Goa's land is its honour, save it

It is a pity and a shame that the Department of Tourism needed to get itself soiled just like the Chief Minister’s Office did when the video of one of the proponents of Sunburn coming out of the CM’s office went viral.

This time, the proponents advertised rave party through high-end platforms whilst we were left to believe that whatever is left of our environment can be saved through song and dance that has no bearing to the environment or our culture.

Rave or trance music is the new genre of music that is best understood after consumption of chemicals that are sold as drugs for a huge profit.

Rave or trance music is the new genre of music that is best understood after consumption of chemicals that are sold as drugs for a huge profit. In fact this is the new genre of drug that has seen a lot of loss of life already.

The losses of lives relate to people from Hyderabad, Kerala, New Delhi, etc and yet no one cares because when not reported, the truth finds itself temporarily buried.

Blind eye turned to Goa's destruction.
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People have been dying due to an overdose of drugs and the police think it is wrong to think so, unless the viscera report indicates the presence of drugs. Does Joe need to know that a banana has to be peeled before being eaten?

As the news of a party dressed in the garb of environment spread around on social media, a Goa smartly commented: “They have fuxxxd our villages and towns and now the jungle…”

It is difficult to powder all Goan noses.

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