Embrace the 'susegad' vibes on Goa's beaches.
Embrace the 'susegad' vibes on Goa's beaches. Photo: Rohan Fernandes

Make Goa’s beaches the perfect accelerator for your yearly goals

Whether it is getting fitter, learning new skills or just a social media detox, try these on the white sands of Goa for a rejuvenating experience

Each time a New Year rolls in, it gives us a fresh start to chase those dreams and bring positivity into our lives. Dusting off the slate to pen down a list of new things to do in the next 365 days, we, however, sometimes secretly wish the results would show up sooner.

And so, in the modern times, when most chase instant gratification, it is easy to lose track of goals mid-journey, when things don’t go the expected way.

Embrace the 'susegad' vibes on Goa's beaches.
Lose yourself in Goa, a destination like no other

Goa, however, has a different trick up its sleeve – the susegad vibe that time and again acts as a reminder that sometimes good things take time and can’t be rushed. Like the waves at Goa’s beaches that dance to their own rhythm – making their way to the shore only to retreat gracefully – an endless journey to show up each time, like they have their own finish line and are in no rush to cross it.

So, with the first month of 2024 almost zooming past with little achieved, why not turn to the picturesque beaches of Goa to make those annual resolutions a reality.

Embrace the 'susegad' vibes on Goa's beaches.
Making your New Year resolutions stick


Though common, ‘to lose weight’ or ‘get healthier’ is the most difficult goal to keep up to, owing to numerous distractions and along the way adding to that list of unhealthy habits. After a few days of hitting the gym, the energy as well as the motivation drains away. And here’s why getting to Goa’s shores will help you be consistent.

The waves will set pace to your everyday morning jog.
The waves will set pace to your everyday morning jog.

When in Goa you are spoilt for choice, thanks mainly to its extensive coastline. With the sand providing the resistance, working out at the beach – in the form of a morning jog, an evening walk or specific exercises of your choice – can help you strengthen those muscles and improve your overall stamina.

And taking your fitness to such a serene environment, you’d not want to miss on the added benefit of a dip in the sea at the end of every session.

Embrace the 'susegad' vibes on Goa's beaches.
Talpona beach in South Goa: A hidden gem for peace-seekers


Ever considered surfing? Or maybe enrolling in a volunteer programme? They say there’s so much you can learn, try, fail or maybe even succeed at if you remain a student of life, constantly educating and picking up skills along the way. And if you’re still indecisive as to what new you want to learn this year, here’s why Goa’s beaches are a great place to begin the adventure.

Feel a sense of accomplishment as you pick up new skills like volunteering offered by lifeguard agency, Drishti Marine.
Feel a sense of accomplishment as you pick up new skills like volunteering offered by lifeguard agency, Drishti Marine. Photo: Sandeep Desai

Goa is host to a couple of surf schools including Banana Surf School at Morjim beach and Aloha Surf School at the Agonda beach. Moreover, you can find yourself being part of the community and dive into volunteer programmes such as those offered by lifeguard agency, Drishti Marine. 

Embrace the 'susegad' vibes on Goa's beaches.
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There’s something so tranquil about those stress-relieving waves crashing on the shore, you won’t realize it till you make it to the beach. The warmth of the sand under your feet or the salty smell in the air, life becomes much more about the little things.

And not just helping you forget your worries, Goa’s beaches can aid your goal for a social media detox. Just as you leave your phone behind and head to the beach you will realize how the magic works.

With those extra hours to work with, you’ll find yourself reaching the last page of that book you’ve been reading for months, enjoying a game of volleyball (or football) with your pals or even chasing some breathtaking sunsets.

Enjoy a good read by the beach.
Enjoy a good read by the beach.

Goa’s beaches have always meant much more to its people – providing a livelihood; a means to find solace, enjoy the thrills of life and share some laughter with loved ones.

There was once a time when heading in the evening to the beach was a habit, maybe we can make our goals some excuses to experience this bliss once again.

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