Hope blooms for Goa’s greens at Jardim da Esperanca

Nisha Pereira believes her green studio is a space for all plant and home décor enthusiasts
May your plants thrive and bring you joy!
May your plants thrive and bring you joy! Gomantak Times

Every road leads one to where they are meant to be, however difficult kick starting that journey may seem.

For many, Goa is synonymous with sun, sand, beaches, feni or vindaloo. But for Nisha, Goa has always been more than that—it’s home—a place where her ancestors led simple, yet fulfilling, lives. Returning to her roots, her Goa, was always part of the plan, but the pandemic simply accelerated the transition by a few years. And just like that, one step led to the next and Jardim Da Esperanca was born.

Nisha Pereira calls herself a ‘Happy Gardener’ at Jardim da Esperanca. Her venture, that’s about pots, plants and happiness, exemplifies her gardening passion, which she discovered after working for nearly two decades in the corporate world.

Nisha Pereira calls herself a 'Happy Gardener' at Jardim da Esperanca.
Nisha Pereira calls herself a 'Happy Gardener' at Jardim da Esperanca.Photo: Jardim Da Esperanca

“My love for plants and greenery is a special gift from my mother. She always had a balcony filled with plants at home and watching her nurture her roses with tea leaves and crushed eggshells left a lasting impression on me and sparked my fascination for gardening,” she says, fondly adding that Jardim Da Esperanca might have remained a dream if it wasn’t for her supportive husband who encouraged her to turn her passion into a full-fledged business.

Located in Nerul, one of North Goa’s serene villages, Jardim Da Esperanca is a beautiful green studio that offers an impressive variety of products to cater to all gardening needs. From porcelain planters with sleek and modern designs to accessories that elevate living spaces to sophistication.

May your plants thrive and bring you joy!
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Surrounding yourself with nature simply triggers happiness. Nisha wants to share this happiness with Jardim Da Esperanca’s exquisite collection.

Available at the studio are planters, including premium porcelain planters, affordable self-watering planters and metal ones. Lush houseplants such as pothos, monstera, peace lilies, jade, aglaonema, ferns and crotons, along with a delightful array of garden plants are also at sale. To satisfy customers’ gardening requirements, they also collaborate with nurseries to ensure a wider range of plant varieties.

The carefully curated inventory provides options for every gardener.
The carefully curated inventory provides options for every gardener.Photo: Jardim Da Esperanca

Given the hustle and bustle of today, having green spaces at home is essential. “It offers a therapeutic escape, promoting relaxation through the soothing green hues. In this age, prioritizing self-care and mental health, a green space in your home is not just a trend, it’s a vital investment in your overall quality of life,” Nisha says.

To help in this effort, a recent introduction has been the Happiness and Mindful category. Products such as journals, the now cube, affirmations/gratitude journals, yoga flute and rain sticks—all carefully curated products to reduce stress, enhance focus, manage emotions, and ultimately promote a sense of inner peace and well-being are available at the store.

The store offers a diverse range of indoor and outdoor plants to meet your gardening needs.
The store offers a diverse range of indoor and outdoor plants to meet your gardening needs.Photo: Jardim Da Esperanca

Apart from this, there’s also a wide variety of gardening solutions, including landscaping and vertical wall options with their expertise extending beyond individual homes to include cafes, villas and hotels, where they transform spaces into lush greenery.

Offering an opportunity for customers to explore products up close, the venture has smaller setups in cities like Panjim and Mapusa.  

May your plants thrive and bring you joy!
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“We offer plant stands that can be hung on your balcony’s grills, allowing you to maximize your outdoor space for greenery and create a vibrant and inviting balcony garden. There’s a variety of plant accessories to choose from at the store, be it plant sticks to help your green friends grow tall and proud, essential tools to maintain your garden, or stylish watering cans to keep them hydrated,” Nisha says.

Nisha also doesn’t hesitate to share some tips on the perfect pot selection. “Choose a pot that’s slightly larger than your plant’s root ball to allow room for growth and ensure that it has proper drainage holes. Moreover, keep functionality in mind but pick something that matches your style and adheres to your plant’s preferences,” she advises, adding that if required one should plan about repotting their plants to ensure their continued growth and health.

These planters provide a nurturing home for plants, creating an environment for them to thrive and flourish.
These planters provide a nurturing home for plants, creating an environment for them to thrive and flourish.Photo: Jardim Da Esperanca

Today, on a mission to make the world greener, one place at a time, she wants to inspire people to get closer to nature and create little green havens of happiness. In fact, Jardim Da Esperanca, a Portuguese phrase that simply translates to ‘Garden of Hope’, captures her mission to spread ‘hope’ and ‘happiness’. And as a divine sign and a touch of destiny in her journey, ‘Esperance’ also happens to be her grandmother’s name—simply reinstating ‘some things are meant to be’.

Nisha believes cultivating indoor greenery allows for creative expression, enhances relationships and instills a sense of fulfillment.
Nisha believes cultivating indoor greenery allows for creative expression, enhances relationships and instills a sense of fulfillment.Photo: Jardim Da Esperanca

Like they say, little steps are better than none at all. After years, Nisha’s corporate experience, deep-rooted love for plants and the unwavering support of friends, have helped her form the strongest foundation for her entrepreneurial venture.

“The journey today is about living my passion, extending the joy of gardening to others and creating spaces that are not only visually pleasing but also nurturing for the soul,” she says.

May your plants thrive and bring you joy!
Gear up Goan gardeners, here's a competition just for you!

You can simply connect with Jardim da Esperanca for your gardening needs at:



PRICING: Varies on the products

WHATSAPP: 9920325174

INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/jardim_da_esperanca

DELIVERY: Nominal fee charged as per kms/distance

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