Hostility towards differently-abled tourists could spell disaster for Goa's tourism

Person with disability harassed, extorted and left to fend for self
In a shocking incident, a foreign tourist with a disability was extorted at the Dabolim airport.
In a shocking incident, a foreign tourist with a disability was extorted at the Dabolim airport. Photo: Gomantak Times

Goa is possibly one of the most sought-after tourist destinations worldwide. However, some untoward incidents in Goa, related to tourists, have sullied Goa’s reputation as a hospitable destination. A more recent incident which happened at the Dabolim International Airport has attracted much ire from the public and other international tourists.

In a shocking incident, a foreign tourist with a disability was extorted at the Dabolim airport.
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As per available information, a foreign woman tourist with a disability was allegedly harassed and extorted by two individuals at the Dabolim Airport to the tune of Rs 4000, just to provide her assistance. 

In her complaint letter, she alleged that the two individuals assisted her at the Dabolim Airport and at one location reportedly demanded money from her. She offered them Rs 500, but the individuals were not satisfied and threatened her to leave helpless in the middle of the airport and extorted Rs 4000 from her.

In a shocking incident, a foreign tourist with a disability was extorted at the Dabolim airport.
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Later, the women complained to the Disability Rights Association of Goa (DRAG), the Dabolim airport police, etc, and now the investigation is in progress.

Avelino de Sa, the president of the Disability Rights Association of Goa, said that such an incident wherein a senior citizen with a disability was reportedly extorted at the Dabolim Airport is unacceptable.

In a shocking incident, a foreign tourist with a disability was extorted at the Dabolim airport.
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He said, “Goa Police is investigating the matter to identify these two individuals who reportedly extorted Rs 4000 from a woman with a disability for providing assistance. Further, the commissioner of disability rights is also investigating the matter.”

The incident came to light when the victim complained to the authorities concerned.

In a shocking incident, a foreign tourist with a disability was extorted at the Dabolim airport.
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De Sa also said that he would be writing to the Dabolim Airport director to put up necessary signages and a help desk for wheelchair assistance at the Dabolim Airport.

“I will also ask the airport director to issue a circular to all airlines, domestic and international, that such harassment should not happen again at the airport,” said Avelino de Sa.

In a shocking incident, a foreign tourist with a disability was extorted at the Dabolim airport.
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Victor Vaz, the national sports director for the Special Olympics, Bharat, has condemned this incident wherein two Dabolim Airport staffers allegedly extorted Rs 4000 from a female senior citizen with a disability.

Vaz said that there is a need for sensitisation and total implementation of the law made for the people with mental and physical disabilities in Goa. Only when people understand the issue, will such incidents not happen, he added.

In a shocking incident, a foreign tourist with a disability was extorted at the Dabolim airport.
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Liby Mendonca, a special educator and disability rights activist from Vasco, opined that Goa as an international tourist destination is observed worldwide.

“The Goa airport and state should be disabled-friendly. But if a person with a disability is being harassed and extorted by the airport staff then why would anyone come to Goa?” she questioned.

In a shocking incident, a foreign tourist with a disability was extorted at the Dabolim airport.
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She further pointed out that a month ago, Goa celebrated the Purple Fest to showcase the empowerment of persons with disabilities. But in reality, people with disabilities are separated from the mainstream lifestyle, which is absolutely wrong.

“I feel we should be more compassionate and sensitive with regard to such issues," Mendonca added.

In a shocking incident, a foreign tourist with a disability was extorted at the Dabolim airport.
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A Margao-based counsellor, on the condition of anonymity, said that such an incident wherein a person with a disability was extorted at the airport would surely have a traumatic impact on the victim for a lifetime.

Goa is a tourism hotspot, and such an incident will leave a negative impact on the overseas tourists planning to visit Goa.

In a shocking incident, a foreign tourist with a disability was extorted at the Dabolim airport.
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The counsellor further said, “There has to be some kindness among the airport staff. A training session, sensitisation about helping passengers, etc need to be done by the authorities concerned.”

As per the news reports, the South Goa Superintendent of Police Abhishek Dhania has said that the police have recovered the CCTV footage of the day from Dabolim Airport and are trying to identify these two persons who allegedly extorted Rs 4000 from a foreign tourist with a disability.

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