Decibel levels in Anjuna are not just music to people’s ears

Anyone who has not experienced loud music of the North Goa coastal belt will not be able to fathom the suffering of the people
Local residents seek relief from daily noise pollution.
Local residents seek relief from daily noise pollution. Gomantak Times

Hearing is believing and to many who were lucky not to hear, the plight of the people from Vagator and Anjuna at the mercy of noise pollution is just unimaginable. Bearing loud music once, twice or even thrice a week is ok. But daily?

The Supreme Court is clear that no loud music can be played outdoors after 10 pm, and before that it has to be played within the permissible decibels. That the police in Goa care little for this direction proves that something is seriously wrong.

Local residents seek relief from daily noise pollution.
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Noise pollution started way back in areas of Vagator and Anjuna in the northern coastal belt and has slowly slipped into the capital city with some citizens complaining of noise near their residences after 10 pm.

Comparatively, the people in Vagator and Anjuna are the worst hit with restaurants in the garb of clubs not just playing loud music but blasting it with no concern for the local residents.

The people in Vagator and Anjuna are the worst hit with restaurants in the garb of clubs not just playing loud music but blasting it with no concern for the local residents.

After trying and trying again, the stage has reached where the High Court of Bombay at Goa is the last resort. After all, it is because of the High Court that illegal constructions are being demolished. So, expecting court relief from noise pollution is the next best option.

Affected villagers met their MLA on January 19 and with this proving futile, another attempt was made ten days later. This time, the police inspector assured them that no loud music will be allowed to be played again from that evening onward.

Local residents seek relief from daily noise pollution.
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First, the assurance was an admission that loud music was allowed to be played beyond the stipulated time. It upset the people because the music was so loud that it was unbearable and that is why, hearing it is believing.

The problem within Anjuna police station jurisdiction is really bad because it is not just one club playing loud music but literally all the clubs are and almost right through the day. If one stopped the music, the other stopped. Then they would start again and it would not be long until all were playing simultaneously.

Local residents seek relief from daily noise pollution.
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Most operating on this sector of the belt have bar and restaurant licenses and all charge entry fees. The music is so loud that as MLA Delilah Lobo said, “When I am sitting, I should be able to talk with my husband or friend. That is the ambient in a restaurant.

There is a limit and that the limit had reached a point of being breached became clear when one of the anguished said, “Don’t blame us if we go and break the place up.”

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This happens when the law makers turn friends of the law breakers and it is sad that at a time when elections are round the corner, the government is letting this pass or are themselves trying to play with the patience of their electorate.

Except for three who are of Goan origin, the rest of those breaking the noise pollution rules are from out of the state but the same vial appears to be shared by all with the aperitifs flowing into the government coffers.

People from the belt held a peaceful candle light procession when loud music was playing well after the stipulated time and nobody heard.

If not, why this situation? People from the belt held a peaceful candle light procession when loud music was playing well after the stipulated time and nobody heard.

Days later, there was another procession and again no one cared. One protestor was even assaulted and the investigation has turned into a farce louder than the loudest music heard till date.

Licenses of restaurants running as clubs will be revoked, is the common refrain when the actual problem is that no one can play music outdoors after 10 pm. The Supreme Court has said so and therefore it has to be a full stop.

Local residents seek relief from daily noise pollution.
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It does not matter where or by whom the music is being played after 10 pm. What matters is how it is played and, more importantly, how the law makers are permitting it.

This is the crux of the problem. Worse, whose blessings are those? The people who have been suffering for long might well have those answers and if yes, they could reflect in the Lok Sabha elections that are coming up soon.

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