The lurking danger behind Goa's wide roads

Goa’s picturesque but perilous roads present a unique set of challenges that demand proactive solutions
TIME TO ACT: The rising number of road accidents makes it imperative to address behavioural and attitudinal aspects of driving.
TIME TO ACT: The rising number of road accidents makes it imperative to address behavioural and attitudinal aspects of driving.

Over the past fortnight, the sunny coastal state of Goa has been marred by a string of tragic road accidents, leaving behind a trail of devastation and mourning.

With over 20 reported incidents, including six self-accidents, the recent surge in road mishaps has underscored the urgent need for comprehensive reforms to ensure the safety of residents and visitors navigating its picturesque but perilous roads.

TIME TO ACT: The rising number of road accidents makes it imperative to address behavioural and attitudinal aspects of driving.
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Among the casualties of these heart-wrenching incidents are names now etched in the memory of loved ones and communities forever.

Pratima Chavan, Shivam Banaulikar, Kalitus Baretto, Jolton D'Costa, Selvin Fernandes, Rajesh Vernekar, Bharat M Tagarasi, Navin Raikar, Anand Chari, Sujata Salgaonkar, Papu Gogai, Achyut Gogai – individuals with dreams, aspirations, and loved ones who now mourn their untimely departure. May their souls find eternal peace.

The loss of these lives serves as a poignant reminder of the grave consequences of neglecting road safety measures.

The loss of these lives serves as a poignant reminder of the grave consequences of neglecting road safety measures. Goa, with its winding roads, bustling tourist influx, and a mix of local and tourist traffic, presents a unique set of challenges that demand proactive solutions from the authorities and citizens alike.

And given the number of self-accidents, it forces me to say, “Jago Driver/Rider, Jago”, because the concerning aspect of these accidents is the significant number of self-accidents.

TIME TO ACT: The rising number of road accidents makes it imperative to address behavioural and attitudinal aspects of driving.
Interference in implementing law leading to road accidents

While external factors such as road conditions and infrastructure play a role, it is imperative to address the behavioural and attitudinal aspects of driving that contribute to such tragedies.

Reckless driving, speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs are all too often leading causes of accidents that result in loss of life. But if you carefully analyse the deaths above, it would suggest that the accidents took place due to collisions, the bus losing control and hitting the scooter like the case of Pratima, or Sujata Salgaonkar who lost her life for no fault of hers after being knocked down by a speeding truck.

Reckless driving, speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs are all too often leading causes of accidents that result in loss of life.

“The sins of the doer fall upon the innocent”, sadly but quite evidently, this is the case. Another major factor responsible for these accidents is the Rent-A-Car business, wherein the customers hardly care about the vehicle they are taking in their hands. It also seems that they hardly care about their lives too.

Furthermore, inadequate enforcement of traffic regulations exacerbates the problem. Goa's motorists show a lax approach to adherence to traffic rules, with impunity often reigning supreme. This laxity not only emboldens errant drivers but also undermines the credibility and effectiveness of existing road safety measures.

TIME TO ACT: The rising number of road accidents makes it imperative to address behavioural and attitudinal aspects of driving.
Accidents due to indiscipline of drivers: Goa CM

In light of these recent events, there is an urgent need for a multifaceted approach to road safety in Goa. It is not just enough for the traffic police to wait on certain invisible junctions where they can earn a little bribe in the name of placing a fine on rule breakers.

There must be a concerted effort to enhance infrastructure and road maintenance. Potholes, inadequate signage, and poorly designed intersections are not only nuisances but also potential hazards that increase the risk of accidents.

Potholes, inadequate signage, and poorly designed intersections are not only nuisances but also potential hazards that increase the risk of accidents.

Investments in road infrastructure must prioritise safety and accessibility for all road users. Comparatively, roads in Goa are great but a few roads are dug and just left unaided until the next elections arrive to be fixed.

There should be a renewed emphasis on education and awareness campaigns targeting both drivers and pedestrians. Educating drivers about the importance of responsible driving practices, the dangers of speeding and driving under the influence, and the consequences of negligent behaviour can foster a culture of accountability on the roads.

The driver needs to learn to drive at the prescribed speed limit and maintain a safe distance.

TIME TO ACT: The rising number of road accidents makes it imperative to address behavioural and attitudinal aspects of driving.
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Similarly, pedestrians must be educated about road safety norms and the importance of following traffic signals and using designated crosswalks.

Moreover, stringent enforcement of traffic regulations is paramount. Law enforcement agencies must be empowered with the necessary resources and authority to crack down on traffic violations effectively. This includes deploying traffic police officers in accident-prone areas, utilizing technology such as CCTV cameras for surveillance, and imposing strict penalties for offenders.

TIME TO ACT: The rising number of road accidents makes it imperative to address behavioural and attitudinal aspects of driving.
Rising number of accidents raise question of road safety in Goa

Additionally, community engagement and involvement are crucial components of any road safety strategy. Civil society organizations, local communities, and businesses can play a pivotal role in promoting road safety initiatives, fostering partnerships with government agencies and mobilising resources for targeted interventions. 

Additionally, community engagement and involvement are crucial components of any road safety strategy.

Beyond immediate measures, there is a pressing need for long-term planning and policy reform. Comprehensive road safety legislation, updated periodically to reflect evolving road conditions and technological advancements, is essential.

This legislation should encompass aspects such as vehicle safety standards, licensing requirements and penalties for traffic violations, with a focus on deterrence and rehabilitation rather than punitive measures alone. 

Beyond immediate measures, there is a pressing need for long-term planning and policy reform.

Furthermore, integrating road safety into urban planning and development processes is critical. Sustainable urban mobility plans that prioritise pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, public transportation networks, and non-motorised transport options can contribute to safer and more sustainable cities.

The recent spate of road accidents in Goa serves as a sombre wake-up call for all stakeholders to prioritise road safety.

The recent spate of road accidents in Goa serves as a sombre wake-up call for all stakeholders to prioritise road safety as a fundamental public health and welfare issue. Each life lost on the roads is a tragedy that could have been prevented with proactive measures and collective action.

As we mourn the loss of those who have perished, let us commit ourselves to building safer, more resilient communities where every journey is a safe journey. Drive safe, arrive safe, Goa, let's make every road journey a safe journey!

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