Ensure the safety of the electricity linemen in Goa

The loss of lives due to electrocution represents failure of systems, investments should result in measures to safeguard lives of linemen
SHOCKING FIGURES: Over the past five years, over 70 human and 30 animal deaths have occurred due to electrocution in Goa.
SHOCKING FIGURES: Over the past five years, over 70 human and 30 animal deaths have occurred due to electrocution in Goa.Photo: Gomantak Times

It is a deeply troubling issue that has been overlooked for far too long in Goa — the safety of the dedicated linemen, who tirelessly work to keep the electricity flowing.

Recent tragic incidents, particularly the electrocution deaths of linemen like Manoj Zambaulikar, have reignited the urgency to address the ethical and moral responsibilities within the state's electricity department.

SHOCKING FIGURES: Over the past five years, over 70 human and 30 animal deaths have occurred due to electrocution in Goa.
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The loss of lives due to electrocution is not merely a statistical figure; it represents the profound failure of systems designed to protect those who serve our communities.

Manoj's story, like many others, reflects a chain of negligence and complacency that has pervaded the very fabric of Goa's electricity infrastructure.

As citizens, we cannot turn a blind eye to the systemic issues that have led to these avoidable tragedies.

Manoj's story, like many others, reflects a chain of negligence and complacency that has pervaded the very fabric of Goa's electricity infrastructure.

At the heart of this matter lies the ethical responsibility of both the government and the electricity department to prioritise the protection of their workers, above all else.

It is not enough to allocate budgets and boast about infrastructure upgrades if these investments do not translate into tangible measures to safeguard the lives of linemen.

The moral compass of those in power must guide policies that prioritise human lives over bureaucratic red tape.

SHOCKING FIGURES: Over the past five years, over 70 human and 30 animal deaths have occurred due to electrocution in Goa.
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Over the past five years, from 2019 to 2024, nearly 71 human and 30 animal deaths have occurred due to electrocution in Goa, a state with a high number of fatalities. In 2023, five linemen lost their lives to electrocution, the highest number in recent memory.

These figures highlight the risks faced by electrical linemen in maintaining power infrastructure.

It is not enough to allocate budgets and boast about infrastructure upgrades if these investments do not translate into tangible measures to safeguard the lives of linemen.

Despite government investments in power infrastructure, the high incidence of electrocution deaths emphasises an urgent need for a re-evaluation of priorities and a more ethical approach to the well-being within the electricity department.

The statistics serve as a reminder of the human toll and the need for meaningful action to prevent further loss of life, and ensure the safety and well-being of electrical linemen, who play a critical role in powering communities.

SHOCKING FIGURES: Over the past five years, over 70 human and 30 animal deaths have occurred due to electrocution in Goa.
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One cannot overlook the accountability of government officials and policymakers who have failed to enforce regulations and ensure compliance with safety standards.

The allegations of negligence and indifference towards the plight of linemen, as highlighted by activists and concerned citizens, demand immediate attention and action.

It is a betrayal of public trust when elected representatives prioritise political appeasement over the welfare of their constituents.

The statistics serve as a reminder of the human toll and the need for meaningful action to prevent further loss of life.

Moreover, the blame game between political parties serves no purpose other than deflecting responsibility from the core issue at hand.

While demands for resignations may provide temporary solace, they do little to address the systemic failures that have led to the loss of precious lives.

Instead, what is needed is a collaborative effort to enact meaningful reforms and enforce stringent safety protocols within the electricity department.

SHOCKING FIGURES: Over the past five years, over 70 human and 30 animal deaths have occurred due to electrocution in Goa.
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The tragic death of Manoj Zambaulikar underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive overhaul of safety measures and training protocols for linemen.

It is unacceptable that in today's age, these essential workers are forced to risk their lives due to inadequate protective gear and insufficient training.

The government must invest in state-of-the-art equipment and provide comprehensive training programs to ensure that linemen are equipped to handle the challenges of their profession safely, more so, given the rainy season that is to come in some time.

While demands for resignations may provide temporary solace, they do little to address the systemic failures that have led to the loss of precious lives.

Furthermore, the culture of impunity within the electricity department, where junior engineers are burdened with multiple responsibilities without adequate support or supervision, must come to an end.

It is imperative to establish clear lines of accountability and ensure that every individual within the department is held responsible for upholding safety standards and protocols.

SHOCKING FIGURES: Over the past five years, over 70 human and 30 animal deaths have occurred due to electrocution in Goa.
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Ethical leadership demands transparency and accountability at every level of governance. It requires elected officials and bureaucrats to prioritise the well-being of their constituents above political expediency.

The deaths of linemen like Manoj Zambaulikar should serve as a wake-up call for the authorities to reevaluate their priorities and commit to concrete actions that prevent such tragedies from recurring.

Furthermore, the culture of impunity within the electricity department, where junior engineers are burdened with multiple responsibilities without adequate support or supervision, must come to an end.

The safety of linemen in Goa's electricity sector is not just a matter of policy, but a question of ethics and morality. It is a reflection of our collective values as a society, and our commitment to protecting the lives of those who serve us.

As citizens, we must hold our elected representatives accountable and demand meaningful reforms that ensure the safety and well-being of all frontline workers.

The time for lip service is over; it is time for decisive action to uphold the ethical responsibility of ensuring safety for linemen in Goa.

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