How to spot a sustainable salon in Goa

Your salon choice can make a difference to the environment
Goan salons generate approximately 100 kilograms of waste monthly.
Goan salons generate approximately 100 kilograms of waste monthly. Gomantak Times

Heading for a makeover at a salon can mean generating humongous waste. Here’s how to change that and find a sustainable salon to help preserve this paradise we call Goa.

Tourists may be heading to Goa for its sun-soaked beaches and vibrant nightlife, but often many also seek a makeover. And that’s what makes Goa's salons a stopover for not just locals but also tourists.

Whether you are just getting some basic threading done or going in for a haircut, along with the salon, you could be contributing towards unnecessary waste that is not responsibly disposed of.

According to a 2018 study by the Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB), Goan salons generate approximately 100 kilograms of waste monthly, including hair, chemicals and materials used in beauty treatments.

Goan salons generate approximately 100 kilograms of waste monthly.
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Unfortunately, only twenty per cent of this waste is recycled or composted, while the majority ends up incinerated or in landfills. Given the increase in tourism and salon services, the current magnitude of waste production is undoubtedly worrisome.

If this concerns you, it's important to choose a salon that embraces sustainable practices. Goan salons have a unique opportunity to lead the way in promoting eco-friendly measures.

By adopting environmentally conscious practices, these salons can contribute to the preservation of Goa's delicate ecosystem and inspire a wider movement towards sustainability, benefiting both the local community and future generations. 

Here's what to look for when seeking out a sustainable salon:

Goan salons generate approximately 100 kilograms of waste monthly.
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Energy conservation

Look for salons that focus on energy conservation. Installing energy-efficient lighting systems such as LED bulbs can significantly reduce energy consumption while creating a warm and inviting ambience.

Additionally, optimising air conditioning systems and utilising renewable energy sources like solar panels can further minimise the salon's carbon footprint and at the same time also reduce operational costs.

Water conservation

Water scarcity is a growing concern worldwide, and salons can play their part in addressing this issue. By installing low-flow faucets and water-saving devices, salons can significantly reduce water consumption.

Rainwater harvesting systems can capture and store rainwater for various purposes within the salon, thus reducing the strain on Goa's water resources.

Goan salons generate approximately 100 kilograms of waste monthly.
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Sustainable salon practices

Salons can embrace sustainable practices by using eco-friendly and natural products. Choosing organic and cruelty-free beauty products not only reduces the salon's environmental impact but also promotes healthier options for clients.

Additionally, salons can adopt refillable containers for products, reducing single-use plastic waste. Partnering with local suppliers who prioritise sustainable sourcing can also contribute to the overall sustainability of the salon.

Waste management

Effective waste management is crucial for salons to become sustainable. Implementing recycling programmes for materials such as paper, plastic and glass can significantly reduce waste sent to landfills.

Furthermore, embracing composting practices for organic waste like hair clippings and plant trimmings can turn them into valuable resources for gardening and landscaping. Proper segregation of waste within the salon premises along with clear signage can encourage both staff and clients to participate in responsible waste disposal.

Goan salons generate approximately 100 kilograms of waste monthly.
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When asked about the thoughts behind her sustainable salon Scissorbella, Jaya Joshi shares, "After completing courses from Sassoon Academy in London, I returned to India with a desire to create a unique brand focused on sustainable practices. I observed uncomfortable experiences as a client in traditional salons, such as excessive product sales and harmful chemical processes disguised as treatments. This led me to develop a brand dedicated to long-lasting cuts and colours that require zero heat styling and minimal maintenance. I prioritise precise techniques, educate clients on healthy hair habits and recommend (not sell) products based on individual needs. I believe in products sourced from laboratories that have a high eco-ethical score.”

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